Spreading the Gospel does not require church position By Victory John

You're not a born again until you can boldly, lovely, joyfully and truthfully profess, and witness the gospel to someone else everyday. And you don't need to open your own church or ministry before you can do that; you may not even need to be called as a full time minister before you do that.

The best kind of love you can show to anyone on earth is to consistently make sure they are in CHRIST JESUS and abound steadfastly in Him till the days of His coming.

Let us join forces together and create acoustic atmosphere for the gospel. Let's stop the worldly ambition of becoming a General Overseer (G.O) or aspiration to open your own church syndrome.  It is not necessary to open your own ministry before you work for God. Listen, titles  don't matter with God, you can be an usher and still fulfill divine calling.

This self- advancements and self-interest is pulling the church of God down. a situation where  everyone wants to be a leader and none wants to submit to the leadership of the other is not of God.
