Whom do men say that I am? Mark 8:27; Matthew 16:13, Luke 9:18

This advice by a Muslim Cleric, Dr. Zakir Naik is to be heeded by all genuine Christians:

"Sit only in the company of one who advises you to desire little from this world and who encourages you to put your hopes in the Hereafter. Take care not to sit with worldly people who speaks constantly about worldly affairs; such people will ruin your religious well- being and corrupt your heart". 

The question Jesus asked His twelve disciples: “Whom do men say that I am?” Mark 8:27 or as Matthew 16:13 puts it: “Whom do men say that I the Son of man am?” Now that you are a Christian, how do you introduce Jesus to others? This question is relevant today as it was when Jesus asked it. Many followers of Jesus Christ don’t know whom Jesus is. Many people are following Jesus like the multitudes that were fed with bread, in expectation of material gains. They aren’t ready to serve and to do the will of the Father.

The world says Jesus is a Prophet like any prophet before Him. Muslims equate Jesus to Mohammed whom they claim to be the last prophet sent by Allah. Muslims and atheists say, ‘It is blasphemy to call Jesus Son of God, because God who has no wife cannot bear a son'.

The pertinent question is, ‘What is the difference between Christians who don’t know who Jesus is and non-Christians who know Him as an ordinary Prophet?’ Peter answered the question on behalf of the others of whom people said Jesus is thus:

Some say that thou art John the Baptist: some Elias; and others Jeremias, or one of the prophets”. Mark 8:28; Matthew 16:14

Jesus did not bother about whom or who unbelievers say He is, but whom you tell unbelievers that Jesus is. Jesus’ second question to the disciples is what is relevant to all the believers and the question is:

“But whom say ye that I am?' Mark 8:29; Matthew 16:15.

Now that you a Christian, whom do you say Jesus Christ is to the people who see Him as a mere Prophet? Do you want Jesus only when you are in need? If you don’t take up your cross daily while following Jesus, you don’t know Him. If you know Jesus you will endure every persecution, and take delight in telling people about Him. Jesus wants us to do His will. The will of the Father which Jesus has commanded us to do is to win souls and to ensure that every soul won does not go back to the world again.  

Whom do you tell people Jesus is? This is the answer by Peter:
“Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God”. Mark 8:29; Matt.16:16

Jesus is the Christ. Christ means “Anointed One” and “Jesus” means “Saviour”. Go about telling people that Jesus is the Son of God. Let people know that the God you are talking about is a living God who has no beginning and end. Please welcome persecutions in His name. The world will hate you because the world hates Jesus.  

“…but he that doeth the will of God abideth forever”. 1John 2:17
