Are you sure of your salvation? Asks Evang. Victory John

The possibility of self-deception and its danger cannot be over-emphasized. Are you sure of your salvation? THERE can surely be no question as to the tremendous importance and the paramount need for each individual to be sure of his/her salvation.

Those who deny Jesus as the only Saviour will have no excuse in the day of reckoning when God will undoubtedly judge mankind. The flimsy excuses which now come readily from unbelievers' lips will give place to silence as they face the great white throne where Jesus is seated.

The fact remains, however, that there are literally billions of souls in the church,  even preachers who will also go to hell because they are hypocrites using the name of God for personal gains. They know nothing of what it means to be saved by the grace of God through personal relationship with Christ. So sad!
