Pakistan Muslims: Please do not kill Aisa Bibi

Aisa Bibi
Aisa Bibi and some women in her community in Pakistan were doing a certain menial work in a farm. Aisa was the only Christian among the women who were working in the field. According to the story, Aisa took a cup and used it to drink water. Other women said, since Aisa is not a Muslim, the cup she used was unclean. The other women began to insult Aisa and Christians generally. They made some derogatory statements about Jesus. When Aisa could no longer take their insults, she replied them.

The women provoked Aisa, but Aisa didn’t say anything derogatory about their religion or Prophet. But the women agreed together to accuse Aisa of blasphemy. They leveled allegations against her. Aisa was arrested and charged to court in 2009. The court of first instance found her guilty and sentenced her to death in 2014. An appeal was made on her behalf to the Supreme court of the country, and the judgement of the lower court was set aside. The impartial Justices of the highest court in Pakistan gave the verdict in favour of Aisa. Aisa was discharged and acquitted in the unanimous judgement that was delivered in October. The Judgement didn’t go down well with the Muslims and they are calling on the government to kill Aisa.

For days now since the verdict was given in favour of Aisa, there has been unrest especially by the opposition political parties in the country. They also want the defend lawyer and the Supreme Court Judges to be killed. Aisa is still in the country as the accusers do not want her released to travel out of the country even where there are offers from many countries to grant her asylum.

The religious unrest has caused several attacks on Christians and it was reported that many Christians have been killed these few days now. Blasphemy is sin, and the accusers are committing a worst sin by killing innocent people. Oh God open their eyes of understanding - let them know the truth.

This is a Wake-up call for genuine Christians to learn how to serve God. Christianity is beyond church building with some people as leaders with all manner of titles. Let's form the habit of praying for the persecuted and the Missionaries generally. God we are very comfortable here, especially in Southern Nigeria that all we do when we gather in your name is praying against witches and perceived enemies to die. 
