Avoid false science

Among other things God wants us to avoid are:
1.      Trouble
2.      Profane and babbling
3.      False science
4.      Unlearned questions
5.      Foolish questions
6.      Genealogies
7.      Arguments about the law

Recall that we treated numbers one and two above and published them here. We promised to treat all the seven and today we are treating number three which is "Avoid false science". False science (false knowledge) is one of the seven things Paul wrote to Timothy to avoid. The advice is also for all Christians. 
Those who lack knowledge will perish. Those who have false knowledge will equally perish. Dictionary gives spiritual meaning of science as: “The fact of knowing something; knowledge or understanding of a truth”. Pride, egocentrism and arrogance characterize the life of people who have false knowledge. They are arguers and debaters.

The wisdom of people who have false knowledge is not from God, thus such people do not have any positive impact on the society. They are very assuming and unkind. They believe they know all, but their views do rather cause confusion and division among people. In James 1:8, such people are described as double-minded and unstable people. 

James advises that followers of Christ should not speak hastily. We should marshal our thoughts before we speak or while participating in any discussion.

Who is a wise man endued with knowledge among you? Let him shew out of a good conversation his works with meekness of wisdom (James 3:13).

A man endued with knowledge should be a peacemaker. He should do his work with wisdom of God. Apostle Paul therefore advised Timothy (and us) to avoid false science (false knowledge). Paul’s words:

Timothy, guard what God has entrusted to you. Avoid godless, foolish discussions with those who oppose you with their so-called knowledge. (1Timothy 6:20) NLT

We should not argue with those who oppose us. Remember, God says, debaters, arguers, gossipers and the proud are also sinners just like murderers and adulterers/adulteresses. See 1timothy 3:2-3
