Tithe is an obligation for all Christians to pay By Pastor Mayowa

Pastor Chris Ojigbani is one of those who believe tithe is not meant to be paid by Christians. He always preaches against the payment of tithes. We had published one of his numerous messages about tithing in this medium on the 1st November, 2018 titled: “It is a sin to give or receive tithes”. While some people agreed with Ojigbani’s submission, others argued against it.

Pastor Mayowa is one of those who do not agree with people who preach against tithing. Although, he addressed his article to the publisher of the Blog, Barrister Ijuo Okpe, his view is very interesting and we advise you to take your time to read it. You may also join the debate.

May I add here that the law and the prophets Jesus said he came to fulfill is ‘love for one another’. Jesus said, if we human beings know how to give good gifts to our children without asking them to perform certain obligations, we should not expect the loving God not to give freely to those who faithfully ask Him.

If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him?”

“Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this the law and the prophets”.  Matthew 7:12, 13.    
The Title of this Article was supplied by us.               
There are some postings that are not supposed to see the light of the gospel talk less of been circulated.
I believe one of them is your last posting which forbids payment of tithe captioned "it is a sin to pay tithe or receive tithe" by one pastor Chris Ojigbani.

By virtue of some of your posting I believe you are a man of God and if not, you are a good Bible scholar, a teacher of the word of God.
A man of good understanding of the Bible.

Barrister, I'm sorry I'm not trying to fight you but to assist you, so as not to build a house and pull it down at the same time.

I read and watched some of your church activities which I believe is not bad by promoting both the gospel and your ministry.
I believe also that "Four Square" as a ministry believes in tithing. Why should you spread a false doctrine, a destructive doctrine, an ungodly and unbiblical doctrine.

Brother, a doctrine that carries a curse from God Himself.
Have you not read in Malachi 3:8-9 the associated curse?
Have you not read in the two following verses the blessings of the obedience to it?
Have you not read in the same two verses the purpose of it?

Now, let us leave that.
I believe been a lawyer you know consequences of spreading any information at all.
It impacts people positively or negatively. No doubt it generates point for consideration, discussion, possibly for acceptance or rejection and finally confusion.

Yes, it is bad when it comes from a novice or unbeliever but not from a man of God.
If I'm not mistaken, Pastor Chris Oyakhilomen once generated this topic.
Brother, I believe we understand that the laws and commandments of God are spread through the Bible and that is why we read Him (the word) every time and everyday.

To start with, read what Jesus Himself (the author and the finisher of our believe, faith) said in Matthew 5:17-19 "Do not think that I came to destroy the law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but fulfill.
For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one title will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled.
Whoever therefore breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven: but whoever does and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.

These are the words of Jesus Christ direct, establishing and eternally validating the laws of God.
Who will now wants to rewrite the Bible.

I'm sorry, I could not read the posting to the end because it was not acceptable to my believe and very unacceptable to the Bible doctrines.
At the same time, I remember the writer said we been Christians inherited Abrahamic covenants which is true but if that is true why won't we inherit Abrahamic obligations.
Have you forgotten that Abraham paid tithe. Genesis 14:18-20
I remember also that he spoke about Levical obligations and right of receiving tithes as established by God for giving them the privilege.
Here, may I ask the writer of this erroneous and confusing posting, has this obligations of the tabernacle ceased?
Remember, when there is sowing there shall surely be harvesting. When and where there is tabernacle (church) there shall be reason for tithing because the same obligations remain.

Now, let us also consider the purpose of tithe or tithing, Duet.14:26-29.
Here, which of the needs has stopped existing.
Let's now go to Malachi 3:6-11.
God started here in verse 6 by saying "For I am God I do not change..."
Verse 7. He said "you have gone astray... return to me, (to pay tithe)
Verse 8. He said, " ...you robbed Him by not paying tithe.
Verse 9. He cursed them
Verse 10. He commanded with reason to ensure food for ministers of the tabernacle, then assigned to the Levites.
Verse 11. He blessed the givers.

Now, which one of these can we for go.
The non changing nature of God to the blessings
Brother, let us consider Paul's postulation.
Read Hebrew chapter 7.
Jesus Christ also said in Matthew 23:23 "..... These you ought to have done, without leaving the others undone"
Also Luke 11:42.

May you please allow me to conclude by reading from Mark 13:37 "And what I say to you, I say to all: Watch".
This is a warning from Jesus to everyone that the teachings He gave to the Jews is the same He gave to gentiles, so everyone should be careful.

The same Bible written to the Israelites is written to the whole world. As many as received Him is given the right to be children of God. John 1:12
Mind you Israeli passport is not a proof of been a child of God.
There is no more childhood by place of birth or any physical purpose but spiritual. Rm.10:12-13.

Therefore, there has never been where the Bible stops payment of tithe or confirms that tithing is a sin to anyone. This is a doctrine from the pit of hell to weaken the church of God. To starve the ministers of the gospel. To hinder the blessings of the children of God and finally to make the church of God a disobedient church living and operating under curse.
I hope and believe that I have not offended you but rather have corrected you.

Let us keep the banner of our Master and Saviour, Jesus Christ flying higher everyday.
Finally still, let us be rapture compliance and ready.

God bless you.

