Jesus is looking for ordinary people to make them extraordinary By Victory Chizuru John

Evang. Victory Chizuru John
Do you know you are important to Jesus? Do you know He is expecting you to come to Him? Jesus wants you to be saved and be with Him eternally. Jesus will change you from ordinary to extraordinary.

Are you ready to be a vessel in the hand of Almighty God? IF YES, then come unto Jesus and He will give you rest from your labour. Be fervent, effectual, untiring in serving God. Please follow Jesus, the Son of the omnipotent God unconditionally day and night.

You should not be weary; take your time to pray like the biblical widow who did not give up asking  the unjust Judge to intervene in her problem. You are too precious to die and go to hell. Jesus is calling you. The best time to decide is NOW.
