Lessons from Zacchaeus: Rewards for Humility

1.     We should seek the kingdom of God first.
2.     We should seek God when He will be found.
3.     We should be hungry for Jesus.
4.     We should know that Jesus is the Way to salvation.
5.   We should climb up our sycamore tree and wait patiently to see God. We should do that by going on our knees and not by searching for a physical tree to climb. We should know the voice of God and follow His instructions.
6.     We should allow and welcome Jesus to our homes.
7.     We should be guided by the Holy Spirit.
8.     We should confess our sins immediately.
9.    We should help the poor without expecting anything as reward in return from them. Zacchaeus did give a half of his legitimate wealth to the poor.
10.We should remember those we offended and be ready to reconcile with them. We should like Zacchaeus go look for the victims of our nefarious activities and pay them back. Where we cannot see some of the victims of our crimes, again, we should give what we consider ill-gotten wealth to the poor or donate the goods to the orphanage homes or the needy around us.
11. We should humble ourselves irrespective of our position or status in the society just like Zacchaeus did.
12. Yes, Jesus is looking for Zacchaeus as followers who can humble themselves no matter their position whether as General Manager or Managing Director or their profession whether as lawyer or Doctor or Engineer by climbing up their own sycamore tree and be eager to follow Him.

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