Come to Jesus and have Rest

Jesus speaks with power and authority. God loves Jesus so much that He has entrusted everything to Him. When we know Jesus, our security is guaranteed here and we have assurance of salvation.

No one can bypass Jesus to God. No one can claim to know God without first knowing Jesus. Jesus is the Way to God. Jesus is the Life. He is the Light and in Him is no darkness at all. Jesus has charged us to come to Him with all our problems.

Jesus assuredly says He has power to bring your problem to an end. All He wants you to do is to come to Him.

Come unto me, all ye that labour and heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28

When things seem to work against you, please go to Jesus. He is meek and generous. He is very kind and ever ready to help those who cry out to Him for comfort and redemption. It’s only in Jesus you can find rest to your souls.

Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.

“For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light". Matthew 11:29-30

*American Missionary, Father of 8 killed in Cameroon

I am heartbroken to hear the killing of a missionary in Cameroon. The headline “American Missionary, Father of 8 killed in Cameroon” was captioned by the CHURCHLEADERS online Christians medium and was shared in CAPRO Group. The incident happened on Tuesday, 30th October in a town in Cameroon. The American Missionary whose name was given as Charles Wesco was shot and killed while travelling with his fellow Missionary, his wife identified as Stephanie and one of his sons.

We in the Mighty Voice join our fellow Christians, especially the Missionaries all over the world to condemn this devilish act. These terrorists can only kill our bodies, but they should understand that true Christians do not die, we can only be sent forth to meet our Creator in His glorious heaven. No act of terror can discourage us. I am praying! We are praying!!

Brother Charles, we shall join you someday in that beautiful city to tell our story. Rest on, Dear.
