There is hope for all genuine children of God. You should not be troubled in any situation because your Father is God who owns everything in the world. God never fails. Lean on God and depend solely on Him. God says those in distress should come to Him for comfort.

Here is how the person in Psalm 77 handled his problems. He cried out to God. He cast his cares and worries to God. He went on his knees and prayed to God. He solemnly asked God to hear him and answer his prayer. His trouble caused him sleepless nights, but he never gave up. At night when he remembered his past, his spirit would heavily disturb him, but despite the overwhelming problems, he thought of no other way than the way of the Lord. Then he praised the Lord in this manner:

God’s mercy is abundantly available. God does not cast off forever. He only chastises, and then restores to himself. Psalm 77:7

What to do in the midst of problems is to remember the good things God had done for you, and not to bring to memory the things you feel He is yet to do for you. Glorify and praise God in this manner:

O God, your ways are holy. Is there any god as mighty as you? You are the God of great wonders! You demonstrate your awesome power among the nations. By your strong arm, you redeemed your people… Psalm 77:13-15 NLT

Mighty Voice wishes you happy Christmas.
