Remain Holy in Celebration By Victory John

I just want to let you know that you shouldn't get yourself involved with activities  that will make you forget the reason for the season of Christmas. Christmas is beyond merriment.

So many of you flirt with different kind of boyfriends and girlfriends. Flirting with all kind of people thinking you're smart is foolishness. Please remember the Judgement Day when you will be required to give account of what you did. God has advised us to buy Truth and NOT to sell it, and to get wisdom which is the principal thing. Prepare before destruction consumes you. Don't let the so-called pleasures of this world distract you.

Think about your life and prepare for the coming year with a resolution that you will be living a holy life. Get serious with your divine mission and be prayerful all the time. 

Enjoy the Season
Merry Christmas!
