Three Visions, One Night, Warning to Christians

First Vision
I was in a certain place in spirit. An Angel of the Lord guided me to see people working without stopping, but the works were mere demonstrations and not activities that would produce any result. Some were busy demonstrating clearing grasses…gesticulating with hands with no cutlass or any instrument of farming in their hands. Some were demonstrating playing football, while I heard others shouting goals aimlessly, but there was no football actually being played.

Some were athletes running to and fro within a short distance. People were demonstrating what they used to do in their real life. Then I asked Angel what all these meant. Why are they doing these without resting even though they are tired? They are hungry and thirsty, why are they not given food and water?

The angel that guided me said to me: “This is hell and it is a place of sufferings. This is a place of everlasting torments”. The angel then told me to write and publish it as a warning to the people who are still living.

Second Vision
The same night, the angel of God took me to another place. There was a big tree full of fruits. The tree had many branches and provided a covering for a large expanse of land. I was happy to be under it. The tree was glorious and pleased to behold. There were uncountable fruits in the tree.

Then the angel of the Lord said to me: “Ijuo, harvest the fruits in the tree”. I was surprised! Then I replied and said to the angel, “The fruits are numerous and I have no tool to use to harvest them. Moreover, where will I start from even if I have something to use to pluck the fruits?”

The angel said, “This is the common excuse by people who profess to be followers of Jesus Christ. This tree represents the world; the fruits in the tree are the people who are yet to receive Christ Jesus as their Lord and Saviour.

“You complained of lack of harvesting instrument whereas you have it which is the word of God. Where will you start from is your second excuse. There where you stand – the fruits up above in the tree directly above your head are important. People around you who are yet to accept Jesus Christ, it is your duty to reach out to them. You must start with people around you and go everywhere in the world to spread the Gospel. Go, no excuse and do the work of God”.

Third Vision
The angel of the Lord again took me to a certain place and showed me an Anthill. The Anthill had an opening. The opening was down and very small which can be best described as hole. There were other tiny holes in the Anthill. The Anthill was not very big; it was of average size. What is this Anthill? I asked the angel of the Lord. And the angel said to me:
“The Anthill is Church built in the name of God. These big structures called Churches are not bigger than this Anthill in the sight of God. People gather there to worship God, but God delights not what they do there. Let people worship me in spirit. Let people give their hearts to me. I want humble people. People should come to God with pure heart. The building is not as important to God as the salvation of people. What are these Cathedrals with capacities to accommodate thousands of worshipers built in cities while many souls are dying elsewhere without hearing about Jesus Christ? They should apply the wealth to win people for God.
Ijuo Okpe, you must write what you have seen and publish them in your Blog, the Mighty Voice. There is a punishment for failure to obey. Please remind the readers of the Vision of Rapture which I showed you and which you published  in this Blog according to my command.

I came to my senses after the Visions and when I looked at the clock on the wall, it was 11.15pm, Christmas Eve 2018.


  1. More grace in Jesus name. The visions are in lines with the Living and infallible word of God. God seeks for those who will worship Him in truth and in spirit.


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