Where do you want to Cross Over to after Death?

 Cross Over Service at the Foursquare Gospel Church, Ali Dada, Isolo

In this Video, Pastor Olusegun Keku delivering a New Year Cross over Message advises Christians to prepare for a permanent Cross Over. The permanent Cross Over is a journey of no return to the world and the Cross over is either to heaven or to hell. Pastor Keku says, “Being a Christian is not about carrying Bible". He reminds the congregation that ‘It is appointed unto man to die once and after that Judgement’ and therefore warns Christians not to allow the Devil to distract them.

Pastor Keku says, “Devil uses all forms of distractions to cause believing people to backslide’.  He advises Christians to hold on and not to be distracted. 'We should shun hypocrisy because if anyone crosses over from earth to hell, then he is doomed (‘in wahala’) forever. Christians should wake up now!', he advises.  

Pastor Keku advises fellow Pastors to preach like Apostle Paul. Pastors should not compromise. Pastors should preach what will save people from danger of hell.

Please watch and share!

Pastor Olusegun Keku can be reached at:
The Foursquare Gospel Church,
2, Olaosebekan Street
Off Ali Dada, Ago- Okota
Isolo, Lagos 

