Prepare for Permanent Cross Over and Not yearly Cross Over

In this Video 2, Pastor Olusegun Keku says, Cross Over will continue as long as the world exists. He warns believers not to be concerned about yearly Cross Over, but to prepare for final Cross Over to eternal life. He refers to Luke 21:36 where Jesus says thus:

Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.

Pastor Keku admonishes Christians to be watching out for the signs of the End-times, and prepare for eternal life in heaven. He asks rhetorically, ‘The way you prepare for yearly Cross Over, are you prepared for the eternal Cross Over?’ He warns Pastors against preaching heresies and Christians to beware of false teachers.

Please watch and share to others.

Pastor Olusegun Keku can be reached at:
The Foursquare Gospel Church,
2, Olaosebekan Street
Off Ali Dada, Ago- Okota
Isolo, Lagos 
