How can We ever move forward? Asks Lawrence Ibe

How can I unread this? This is pure ethnic bigotry. How can we ever ever move forward as a nation or as a people when every government action must be seen through the microscopic lens of tribal bigotry cum ethnic sentimentality? It baffled me that in the 21 century we still have a man like Dodoh Okafor still propagating all these hate and bigotry.

The current minister of health Isaac Adewole is also a first-class medical doctor with over 30yrs of medical practice. Tell me, is this not a square peg in a square hole? Must Ngige occupy this position for you to be satiated? Ngige is occupying a sensitive and important office. Ministry of labor and employment. This is an office that's in charge of employment, jobs, and productivity in Nigeria. This is a ministry Dodoh sees nothing good in. How many Igbos have benefitted from jobs and employment in the civil service under Chris Ngige? Answer that for yourself.

Ogbonnaya Onu occupies a very important ministry of science and technology. The 21 century is ruled by science and technology, how therefore is this ministry not important? With technological invention littered around the country, how has he harnessed them? How many science hub centers has  Ogbonnaya Onu cited in Igbo land? This ministry is a Honeywell that any smart minister will bring in billions. How can science and technology not be important? Can any nation grow outside science and technology? Ogbonnaya Onu has been a mess so far. He even boasted once that he does not have an email and he's not on social media, yet he's a science and technology minister. Ogbonaya Onu is one of those ministers in Buhari cabinet that have no business being there any longer. His ministry is in oblivion with nothing tangible to see.  So Dodoh wants us to believe it's only when Ogbonnaya Onu starts sitting in the presidential villa and be pushing papers as the  SGF that's when he will be important. A very puerile way of thinking indeed.

What you may not know is that anybody can function in any ministerial position because the minister duty is just to oversee and be the political interface between the ministry and the presidency. The people that do the real work are the Pam secs, directors and other staffs. So why has Ogbonna Onu failed?

See brother,  hate and tribal bigotry cannot move this nation forward. You can market and campaign for Atiku without playing the hate and tribal sentiment card. You are too smart for this kind of parochial primitive thinking. You're too knowledgeable to be cocooned in the putrid pot of tribal bigotry What you don't know is that when you make this kind of post, your readers will see through you and see the IPOB in you. With this post, you've shown yourself not to be a nationalist but a sectional bigot who if given power will be worse than Buhari. Why then accuse Buhari of the same crime you're just waiting by the corner to jump with your feet into if ever you're given the opportunity to power.

Your post has shown you're no different from Buhari. You will even do worse if you're in his shoe.

Doctor, cure thyself.
By Lawrence Ibe
