Jesus says we should not pray against our enemies. We should instead pray for them. We should pray for those who curse us, and also despitefully use us. It is shocking to hear many people who profess to follow Jesus consciously choose to disobey His commands.

 "Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neigbour, and hate thine enemy. But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; That ye may be children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust". Matthew 5:43-45

I run into trouble with many Christians whenever I teach or preach that people should not pray that their enemies should die in Jesus name. People should stop shouting "Holy Ghost fire, kill my enemies, destory my enemies and let them die". But I am hated for correcting these errors.

Jesus says Holy Ghost is a Comforter and clearly states the real works of the Holy Spirit as:
But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. John 14:26

I had the dreams below in the night of Saturday, 19th August, 2017. Take your time to read the dreams and how God interpreted them to me.
First Dream
I was driving a car on a certain road, suddenly darkness fell and my car headlight did not work. Little light from my car later came on and I managed to drive in fear until I got to a certain village. I was confronted by a certain man in that village. Others in the village appeared, but I didn’t hear them talking to me. I then suddenly woke up.

Second Dream
Few minutes later I slept up again and had another dream. In this second dream I was going somewhere at Surulere. I left my house by 9pm. While at the bus stop waiting for a vehicle, I kept asking myself why I was going out around that hour of the night, wondering when I would get there and return to my house the same night. As I was thinking about my situation, I saw myself going to a certain storey house along the road where I was standing waiting for a commercial vehicle. In the storey house, I climbed the staircase and I went up to the last floor of the 2-storey building and was confronted by a certain man. Some others joined the man and accused me of coming to rob or kidnap. I begged and told them, “I am a lawyer”. They refused to listen to me, holding onto my handset. I tried to get my handset and showed them evidence that I am not a criminal, but I was not allowed. I discovered the back door to the ground floor was shut or blocked to prevent me from coming down. Then I woke up.

Several times that night, I was praying. The previous Friday, 18th August around 11.30am I gave N50 (fifty naira) to an old woman beggar, so I thought she was the one tormenting me. I took the dreams to God in prayer, and God said, I should fast on Sunday until He explained the dreams to me. I was not comfortable, and told God about the N50 given to the beggar.
   God told me to set aside N50 as an offering and directed that I should offer it separately on Sunday by dropping it in the offering box. Sunday during the offering, I dropped my normal offering and God reminded me of the N50 offering. I quickly brought out the money from my pocket, and I offered N50 therein by putting it in the offering box.
   I was really uncomfortable until around 4pm when I broke my fast. Immediately I had finished eating, God told me the meanings of the two dreams.

God said, "Remember you had a problem with teaching Sunday school that morning". I said, "Yes Lord. God said, "you were confronted with two pastors". I said "yes Lord".

God: "The two people that confronted you in your dreams represented the pastors. The first village with one family represented the pastor in charge of the church. The time 9o’clock in your dream was the time you started mentioning about the use of the power of the Holy Spirit (that the power of the Holy Spirit shouldn’t be used for cursing enemies). Remember it was 9am when you made that statement.

·       " That building in your dream was the Sunday school manual you used to teach.
·        Ground floor, 1st and  2nd floors represented the outlines in the Sunday school manual.
·        The last floor where you were seriously confronted was the last outline you were treating.
    "Your handset was the bible. I, God used an image of handset because that is what you always carry wherever you go. When you were trying to put on your handset to explain to them whom you are, and you were so interrupted or not allowed was in reality the time you wanted to open your bible to explain what you believe is the right position. My son, remember you were not allowed again until the Sunday school was over".

Me: "God, what about the N50?"
God: "I said you should offer N50 because you were still afraid and thought the N50 you gave as alms to an old woman would bring problems to you. The N50 has nothing to do with you. My Son, you are free, but since you were full of fears, I had to ask you to offer the same amount to me that I will erase your fear".
Ijuo Okpe
Thank JESUS for the interpretation of these dreams. I would have ignorantly rained curses on my enemies and even the innocent unknown beggar. Please always take your dreams to God in prayer. 



  1. Great message. God speaks to us through dreams but we must learn to seek their meaning from Him.

  2. Thank you for the comment. Indeed we should preach the Gospel without manipulation to please the listeners.


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