What do these Dreams mean?


In my dream- March1st 2019
I found myself in the midst of some men (dressed like Muslims) sitting on small mats round about in a circle, every one bent a knee,I was asked to do same.
I refused and one of them walked up to me& spoke to me in Hausa language ( I don't speak Hausa but interpretation came to me).
He asked me to look all around& called my attention to metal chunks fixed all-round us, I noted for the 1st time,they were many & fixed on the walls all around.
He explained to me that they were meant for hanging anyone who did not bow on the mat (fear gripped me).
As He spoke, A plane was coming in,the people on the mat looked with eagerness to receive the occupants of the airplane.
(The Scene changed) and I was with an old friend who is a Muslim& I asked what was going on.
She explained that the people in the airplane enroute Nigeria were more deadlier Jihadists than we have known.
She explained further that the intention is to make sure everything in Nigeria is governed by Islamic laws.(she also gave me some other information)
I asked if this will bring trouble to the Church Nigeria?  She was very sad and with tears in her eyes nodded yes.
I woke up in tears.

All I'm asking is that you intercede seriously,there is no time to waste.

🙏Father, forgive your Church in Nigeria of ungodliness,Mercy Lord- 2 Chr.7:14
🙏Father in Jesus name, let not your church in Nigeria be destroyed, help us Lord- Psalm35:17

🙏 In Jesus name,Every Satanic Islamic Propagator en-route Nigeria, we turn you backwards,far way from Nigeria, we put hook in your jaw& cast you out.
We disallow you in Nigeria- Ezekiel 38:4

🙏Every gallow prepared to hang Christians& the church in this nation, like Haman,Father in Jesus name let the enemies of your church be hung on them.- Esther 7:10

🙏In Jesus name,we uproot from the seat of authority & government anyone( agents, instruments, sponsors,supporters) through whom this evil may occur.- Matthew 16:18-19

🙏Every demon set to oppress the Church in Nigeria,we bind you& render you null& void over our Nation Nigeria- Isaiah 8:9-10

🙏Father in Jesus name, let your Church wake up now! Watchmen Arise!& take your place,contend for the Soul of Nigeria.
- Isaiah 62:6
🙏Thank you Father for answered prayers

Its time for warfare!
Beloved, if truly you belong to Christ& you love the Church Nigeria,Pray Now! And share with Others who can pray before its too late.
This is not a time for arguments or discussions,
Get on your knees& pray!

