District Overseer Feeds People With Heavenly Food


The Sermon delivered by Rev. O.O.O. Adejoro, the District Overseer of the Foursquare Gospel Church, Surulere District at the 3rd Anniversary Celebration of the Foursquare Gospel Church, Ali Dada, Isolo, Lagos State on Sunday, 19th May, 2019

Rev. O.O.O. Adejoro before Ministration

he theme for the annual thanksgiving for this year is “Growing in His grace” and it was taken from the book of 2peter 3:18.

Rev O.O.O Adejoro is the District Overseer of the Foursquare Gospel Church, Surulere District. His message can only be compared to the messages of the Apostles’ in the bible. This particular Message is spiritual food indeed and you are advised to read it to the end. Adejoro warned on the danger of going to church where Jesus Christ is not the Head. He said many pastors are working for the devil, and Christians should be cautious of churches they go to worship God.
Standing right is Rev. O.O.O. Adejoro and left is Pastor (Mrs.) Keku

He said people are so engulfed with material things that they can do anything to get rich. Unfortunately, many material-seekers end up falling victims into the hands of fake pastors.
Host, Pastor Olusegun Keku 
He admonished Christians to guide their salvation jealously. We should understand that everything in the world is vanity. He asked, “Do you know your God?” If you know God, you must always remain obedient to His word. Please, secure your salvation and position before God, he warned.

“Growing” is an action word, therefore as a Christian you are expected to grow spiritually. If you plant something and it doesn’t grow, you won’t be happy; likewise God expects us to grow in faith and in spirit.
You are not growing in the Lord if you still keep malice, get angry easily,  refuse to forgive, live in any sin. Please study the bible, pray always and do the work of evangelist in order to grow in God’s grace.

If you want success you must hold onto the word of God as commanded in the book of Joshua 1:8. Let the word of God dwell in you richly. The word of God is profitable for instruction, edification and empowerment. You shouldn’t be an empty Christian that makes the loudest noise. Go to church. Do not forsake the assembling of God together. Give yourself to the service of God in order to grow. Do not retire yourself. No one is too old to do the work of God. Render the service that will not promote your ego, rather imbibe the spirit of humility and meekness.

Your services in the house of God should be carried out without grudges and without expectation of rewards from men, but in appreciation of what God has done and is still doing for you. God is the Rewarder, so look up to him.
Seated is Zonal Superintendent, Rev. F.M.O. Iyere

Other Ministers
For you to grow you must form the habit of praying always. Your prayer focus should not be about material things. The prayer that will draw you to God is thanksgiving prayer. Move from materialistic prayer to supplication and intercessory prayers. Give yourself undiluted word of God. Rev. Adejoro re-emphasized that age is not a barrier, and you should not see yourself as too old to do the work of God.

Rev O.O.O. Adejoro is the District Overseer (D.O) of the Foursquare Gospel Church, Surulere District.

Host: Pastor Olusegun Keku can be reached at:
The Foursquare Gospel Church,
2, Olaosebekan Street
Off Ali Dada, Ago- Okota
Isolo, Lagos 


  1. Bible based teaching. More grace in Jesus name

  2. I want to hear this servant of God again. He reminds me of Old time message.


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