Seven Trumpets and Great Tribulations (2): Revelation 8; 9

God revealed to John what will bedevil the world when the end is near. God has forewarned that there will be great phenomena when the seven angels who will be given seven trumpets will blow them. When the first angel blows the first trumpet there will come ‘hail and fire mingled with blood’; and the fire will burn the ‘third part of trees and all green grass’.

Do you imagine how the world will be when many trees and grasses are burned up? That will affect soil fertility resulting in scarcity of food. There will be bad weather. Sicknesses and diseases will be pandemic leading to losses of many lives in the circumstance.

When the second angel blows his trumpet, ‘something like a great mountain burning with fire was thrown into sea and a third of the sea became blood’. The sea will become poisonous. Many living creatures in the sea will die. This phenomenon will destroy ships. The burning sea will affect sea transportation. International trade will be heavily affected. The result will be total collapse of the world economies; and great famines will hit the entire universe.

When the third angel blows his trumpet, a great star will fall from the sky. The star will burn like a torch. It will fall on one-third of the rivers and in the springs of water. The name of the star is Bitterness. When the star falls on the water it will make the water terribly bitter. The water will become poisonous. Many people will die from drinking the water. The people that will die are those who have no seal of God.

The situation will get worse for inhabitants of the earth. As they think the sorrow will soon end another worse calamity will befall the earth. This time, the fourth angel will blow his trumpet. When the fourth angel blows his trumpet, something will strike one-third of the sun, and one-third of the moon and one-third of stars. Then darkness will fall on one-third of the day and one-third of the night.

An angle will be sent to the sky to cry loudly for what will happen again to the world. The eagle will be heard crying thus: “Terror, terror, terror to all who belong to this world because of what will happen when the last three angels blow their trumpets”.   Rev 8: 13 NLT

To be continued.
