Will Jesus Come Again?

The Message in the Video is titled: How to win God's Heart by Pastor Olusegun Keku. It is also available on YouTube, Mighty Voice Channel. Thanks for watching.

Will Jesus Come Again?

The question dominating the minds of believers and people of the world is, will Jesus come again into the world, and what time will He come again? There is no doubt that Jesus is coming to take His followers to the kingdom God has prepared for them. The time is not revealed in the Bible. God the Father has not disclosed the time even to His begotten Son Jesus. Jesus has therefore warned us of the danger of not prepare for the rapture. Jesus wisely gives us signs to look for before the day of the Lord.

Jesus teaches that we should prepare and watch because it will happen very suddenly. There will be normal human activities when the trumpet that will herald the coming of Jesus Christ will be blown by the angel. Jesus gives many parables about the kingdom of God and signs of the end of the age.  

In order not to miss the opportunity, we must remain righteous. We must be on guide. Jesus warns: “Be ye therefore ready also: for the Son of man cometh at an hour when ye think not. Luke 12:40

At the hour when people are partying, marrying and giving in marriage, trumpet will be blown, and the whole earth will shake to the foundation; then Christ will appear in the sky. Many people including pastors will be caught unawares. Some people will be wining and dying in bars and hotels. Some people will be in brothels sleeping with prostitutes.

Indeed, no one knows the time – it could be day in some parts of the world and night in other parts.  What we are commanded to do is to prepare in order not to regret.
