The Wonders of Thanksgiving

In every situation give thanks to Almighty God. Our thanksgiving should not be conditional. In the time of sorrow, give thanks to God. Praise the LORD even when nothing seems to work for you. Rejoice and be glad in the Lord.

Rejoice in the Lord in distress, in poverty, in disappointment.  Give thanks to God when you are in pain. Thank the Lord because He is good and merciful.

Praise ye the LORD. O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever. Psalm 106:1

Here are in-exhaustive wonders of thanksgiving:
1.     Thanksgiving positions you for elevation and promotion.
2.     Thanksgiving takes you to the presence of God.
3.     Thanksgiving makes you to have unhindered access to God.
4.     When you thank and praise God, He is ready to supply you all your needs.
5.     Thanksgiving provokes supernatural increase. Jesus Himself was full of Thanksgiving when He was in the world.
6.     Thanksgiving opens doors of prosperity.
7.     Thanksgiving brings dead things back to life. When you thank God, you will discover that the burden in you is lifted.
8.     Giving glory to God brings healing and makes the person completely free from infirmities. Luke17:17-19, when one of the lepers returned to give God glory, Jesus said to him (veres19): Arise, go thy way, thy faith hath made thee whole.

Let us present our requests to God through praises and thanksgiving. Magnify the LORD with hymns and psalms. A person who forms the habit of giving thanks and praises to God always enjoys the glory and favour of God in his life.
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  1. Indeed there are special blessings in thanksgiving to almighty God. I cannot stop praising and thanking God every day of my life.


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