Trial and Testing of Our Faith

In the video Pastor Keku says, Christians should prepare for trial.
Please watch and share!
Pastor Olusegun Keku can be reached at:
The Foursquare Gospel Church,
2, Olaosebekan Street
Off Ali Dada, Ago- Okota
Isolo, Lagos 
Tel. 08023227513

The Blessings of God are for the Righteous
“The earth is the LORD’s, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein”. Psalm 24:1

The world belongs to God.  Everything in the world belongs to God. All human beings are creations of God. What distinguishes man from other creatures is that God breathed His life into him and he becomes a living soul. Man is therefore made up of body, spirit and soul. The body of man can die, but nothing can kill the soul. Man’s soul continues to live after the earthly life either in heaven prepared by his God or in hell away from God due to his sins which separate him from God.

Man is given power by God over everything in the world. Man is empowered to dominate, subdue, multiply and replenish. However, the first man fell and sin entered the world. Since the fall of Adam, the blessings of God are no longer automatically available to the inhabitants of the earth. Only those who fear God and keep His commandments now enjoy the blessings and protections of God.

Psalm 24:4-5 say:
“He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully. He shall receive the blessing from the LORD, and righteousness from the God of his salvation.

In summary of the above quoted Psalm, the blessings of God are available to:
·       Those who have clean hands.
·       Those who have pure hearts.
·       Those who do not worship idols.
·       Those who never tell lies.
·       The peace-makers.
·       Those who are merciful to others.
·       Those who are meek and humble.
