Seven Trumpets and the Great Tribulations (part2): Revelation 8; 9

What will happen when the fourth Angel blows His Trumpets

Recall that in our first publication in this medium on this topic: Seven Trumpets and the Great Tribulations from Revelation 8; 9 we treated the great disasters that will happen to the world when God sends the angels to sound the trumpets. The end of the world will surely come. No technology will stop the phenomena. No scientists will be able to find solutions. Here are what will happen when the fourth angel blows his trumpet.

When the fourth angel blows his trumpet, the sun, the moon and the stars will cease to function. The whole earth will be enveloped with utter darkness that will last for several hours. Imagine that you are somewhere doing something and all of a sudden, deep darkness fall on the earth leaving you scampered for safety. No light anywhere. Everything that gives light ceases to work. Your torch ceases to light. You go for matches to light your lamp, but the matches do not work. You strike each stick and it doesn’t produce fire. You finish a whole box of matches and none works. That means the incident will not affect the sunshine and the moonlight only, but everything that produces light will cease to function. Vehicle light, motorcycle light, tricycle light, aircraft light will all stop working.

Lest I forget, electric light will not work. Captains of industries, Presidents of nations and the great men of this world will be reduced to ordinary persons. Security will breakdown. People at the wedding reception will be thrown into confusion. Solemnization of holy matrimony going on in churches and marriage registry and anywhere will end unceremoniously. People will be partying and celebrating all kind of festivities, then suddenly a trumpet will sound thunderously from above. Not ordinary trumpet…yeah and the whole earth will shake to the foundation. And heavy darkness will suddenly fall on the earth.

Angel will cry and announce to the inhabitants of the world that they should prepare for the calamities that will befall the earth when the last three angels blow their trumpets:

And I beheld, and heard an angel flying through the midst of heaven, saying with a loud voice, Woe, woe, woe, to the inhabiters of the earth by reason of the other voices of the trumpet of the three angels, which are yet to sound! Rev.8:13

God has said it and it is written, therefore at the appointed time this event will happen.

To be continued.


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