Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal. Matthew 6:19

In Matthew 6:19 Jesus warns that people should not build for themselves what will give them temporary satisfaction on the earth. We are mortal beings. We will not live in the world forever. Certainly we will die, and there is judgement waiting after death. We will surely leave behind those things we treasure so much. Those possessions will never last. Moths will feast on the treasures. People who inherit them will attach no value to them and will misuse them. Some of the treasures will rust even while we are still living. Even thieves will break through and steal some of the treasures.

Above all, your heart will not be at rest as you will spend your precious times thinking about how to safeguard your treasures. “For where your treasure is there will your heart be also”. Matt. 6:21

Prosperity messages will not help you. Your Pastor is inspiring you to go after the riches of this world because he wants you to make money in order to make his church rich. It is his church and NOT the church of Christ. Your Pastor knows the Church will benefit more from your wealth and it doesn’t matter to him how you got your money. Salvation of your soul is never the concern or priority of the Pastor. That is why many pastors do not follow the authorised syllabus of God as contained in the Bible while presenting their messages.

I am advising you to beware of manipulators. You are advised to work for your salvation. Now that you are a believer, you should not suffer any believer like you to mislead you. Jesus says every believer has the power to cast out the devils and heal people in His name. The divine powers are given to all true believers and not to pastors or church leaders only. There will be no excuse before God that your pastor was the reason you could not do things right.

You should not get frustrated by the heresies presented in the church as messages. Jesus says you are blessed and you should believe that. Your blessings are not conditioned to tithes or offerings. Let no one drive you with prosperity messages to do unwholesome acts. I advise that you should rather be hungry for more of Jesus.

Envy not; jealous not; and keep no malice unless you don’t believe that your home is in Heaven. You are a stranger here. Jesus has advised us not to love the world…but instead we should expect the world to hate us because the world first hates Him. Let us be keen about the things that will take us to Heaven. We cannot love Christ and avoid the cross. Christianity is the race to Heaven and anyone who allows the treasures of this wicked world to distract him will stumble and fall and lose his crown. The conclusion of the whole matter is: Love God, Love Jesus and hate the world.

Note this teaching is not against riches. God frowns at laziness.
