My Set Time Has Come By Pastor Raphael Idoko (1)

Set time scripturally refers to the moment designated by God in His infinite wisdom to intervene in our favor. Set time is not the same as appointed time. For while appointment can be rescheduled, postponed or even cancelled, set time cannot be postponed or cancelled. It is usually sealed from above. No man can close any door that God Almighty has opened. When a man set time eventually arrived, there is nothing any devil can do to stop him.

I declare the eventual arrival of your set time by the power that is in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen. In John chapter 5:1-14,  Jesus Christ saw a certain man at the pool of Bethesda, who had an infirmity for 38 years. Verse 6 says, ''When Jesus saw him lie; and knew that he has  been long in that case, he said to him; Do you want to be healed?'' Then the man began to give excuses why he could not be healed. In verse 8, Jesus said unto him, take your bed and walk and immediately the man was made whole. This man set time came and his healing was unstoppable. It was not his prayers but his set time to be favoured as designated by God in His mercy and infinite wisdom. Remember, He is a merciful God. 

In Esther chapter 6, when Mordecai set time to be favoured and his honour finally came. Verse 1 says, On that night could not the king sleep; and he commanded to bring the book of records of the chronicles; and they were read before the king. And it was found written that Mordecai had once saved the King through intelligent security report. Meanwhile, Haman in his own capacity as the king favorite had prepared a gallows of fifty cubits high where he intended to hang Mordecai. Haman decided to pick Mordecai and hanged him in the morning before coming for Queen Esther banquet. Please read the entire chapter 6.The summary of that account was that the same Haman suggested and announced Mordecai as the man whom the king delights to honour and was later hanged on the gallows that he prepared for Mordecai. 

You can't do anything against a man whose set time has come, even the king in the comfort of his Royal palace could not sleep. A sister whose set time has come once applied for a position in a blue chip company. The human resources Manager refused to engage her because of her refusal to have sex with him. Two months later, one of the Directors, who was a member of the panel that interviewed the applicants asked the Manager why that particular sister was not engaged. The Director requested for her file and asked the Manager to invite her again. She came and told the Director the demands of the Manager. She was engaged and the Manager was relieved of his job. Brethren, it is dangerous to stand in the way of any person whose set time has come. It is like a man trying to fight against God; you can't prevail against a man whose set time has come. Your own set time has come in Jesus name.

Pastor Raphael Idoko
Senior Pastor of Living Saints In Christ Church

In part 2 of this message, we will be looking at what to do to provoke your set time. Stay connected and remain blessed in Jesus name. Your comment, contribution and criticism is highly welcomed.

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  1. Great the publisher. May God reward you richly in Jesus name.

  2. Thank you for doing the work of evangelist.


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