The Tragedy of the Life of Christians and Why Unbelievers are condemned ...

You should not get frustrated by the heresies presented in the church as messages. Jesus says you are blessed and you should believe that. Your blessings are not conditioned to tithes or offerings. Let no one drive you with prosperity messages to do unwholesome acts. I advise that you should rather be hungry for more of Jesus.

Envy not; jealous not; and keep no malice unless you don’t believe that your home is in Heaven. You are a stranger here. Jesus has advised us not to love the world…but instead we should expect the world to hate us because the world first hates Him. Let us be keen about the things that will take us to Heaven. We cannot love Christ and avoid the cross. Christianity is the race to Heaven and anyone who allows the treasures of this wicked world to distract him will stumble and fall and lose his crown. The conclusion of the whole matter is: Love God, Love Jesus and hate the world.

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