Why David Killed Goliath

 @Kings Ozed  You are not a born again Christian. I doubt if you are a Christian at all. You claimed to have quoted Jesus without referring to the book and the chapter and verse in the Bible where Jesus said His enemies should be brought and killed before Him. You have no knowledge and understanding of the by Bible at all. What you seemed to refer to is in Luke 19:27. In Luke 19:11-26, as Jesus was going to Jerusalem, people expected that Jesus would establish the Kingdom that moment. Part of verse 11 says: "...and because they thought that the kingdom of God should immediately appear". Jesus explained to them in parable of the Ten Minas how and when the Kingdom of God would come. Jesus says, His followers should continue to do the works of God and to Occupy till He comes. When He finally comes with the Kingdom where He will be reigning after the end of the age, those who believe not are the ones He calls His enemies who shall be condemned into hell fire prepared originally for the devils and his falling angels. If Jesus was referring to His enemies at that time or any time at all, He would have killed or commanded His followers that time to kill His persecutors who eventually crucified Him. Jesus had all powers to kill the enemies who killed Him, why didn't He do that, but instead allowed them to kill Him? Jesus who prayed for His enemies and even while on the cross asked God to forgive His killers cannot contradict His word by asking people to kill for Him. In Matthew 5:43-48, Jesus says we should pray for our enemies and those that hate us.
