Vision: Message to Women to Pray and Cry to God to Avoid Calamity in the Southern Nigeria

Dearly the beloved, I bring you greetings of peace in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

On Friday, 8th May, 2021, I had a vision in which I saw a hand place a sheet of paper on my chest and the hand began to write on the paper and while the hand was still writing, the voice of the Lord came thundering and said to me and I quote; “Call women to pray urgently for there is cloud of danger hanging over the South East/South South Region. Your sons will be wiped out if you fail to pray”. I came out of this vision afraid, but the voice was still thundering in my ears.

Again, on Tuesday night, 11th of May, 2021, I had a dream. In that dream, I found myself in a market full of women and they were all selling vegetables. As I was moving around looking for a particular vegetable, a woman was following me at the back with a placard and on it is written boldly “Is A Clarion Call”. I stopped and asked her why she was following me up and down the market and she said to me that “What God showed you is a clarion call to all women”. Then she asked what I was looking for in the market and I told her is bitter leaf. She asked me what I needed it for and I told her it is for medicine and she asked me to move forward, and I did. The woman was still following me with her placard but this time around, she was screaming as she followed me, 'Is a clarion call, Is a clarion call, Is a clarion call'. She was shouting on top of her voice as if people around her were hard at hearing. And the Lord said to me, send this message to all women urgently. I woke up, checked the time and it was 3:30am.

Fellow women, it is indeed a clarion call, the King’s commands demand haste. It is a call to all women to arise and pray, cry to God from the womb that carried our sons and plead for mercy. God is calling us to “stand” in the gap and wail that He may save our children. In Judges 5:6, the Bible records that in the days of Shamger and Jael, the highways of Israel were deserted, travelers were afraid to ply the highways so they went through the by-pass. Villagers couldn’t go out as usual to their farms and streams, until Deborah arose as a mother as a mother and as a warrior to defend and deliver Israel. This is the time we are in now. So where are the Deborahs? Where are the “Wailing Women”? (Read Jer. 9:17-21) if you have a family as a mother or you belong to a family as a young lady, you are part of this call.

Please form prayer groups, join hands and pray in agreement, in the market, in your family, at work place, in your churches, on the streets, in the farms, everywhere - home and abroad, and call upon the name of the Lord, P.U.S.H (Pray Until Something Happens), cry, weep, wail, plead with God to save our children. In Isaiah 49:25 – 26……, the Lord says, “I will contend with them that contend with you and I will save your children….” Is a promise, God will honour His word as we pray.

Come let us agree together and stop this impending danger through prayers. Please do not treat this with kids’ gloves. Share to all platforms. WE MUST PRAY NOW.

I have obeyed God by sending this message out, do your own part and don't fall a victim.

God bless you all.

Sent to us by Anyebe Emoch, but did not claim to be the author.

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