Hold a handkerchief to wipe tears while watching the Experience of a Fam...

It was hell. Hell is a place of torture, agony and gnashing of teeth. There is no rest in hell. So when someone suffers such torment in the hands of kidnappers, what word can anyone use to describe their experience? This family: husband, wife and daughter were abducted by men suspected to be Fulani herdsmen and taken to their den. 

The incident happened in one of the States in the South-West of Nigeria where the victims come from. They were living in abroad and just came to Nigeria to see the loved ones and relatives. A tyre of their car got punctured and they came down to change it. I believe the tyre must have punctured by a pin or sharp objects placed on the road by the evil abductors.

In a jiffy, abductors surrounded them and took them on a nine hours walk into a forest. The woman and daughter were stripped naked as the journey lasted. The woman was raped for 24 hours by different men. It was a horror no human being would pray for his enemies to go through. A ransom of N8million (Nigeria currency) was paid before they were released by the evil men. 

I personally pray for the couple to find Jesus in order to have permanent peace and joy. They are devout Muslims; can they have inner peace for the rest of their life without Jesus? Christians who are close to them or know them should spare no time to visit them and teach them about the love of Christ. They are totally shattered from within, and only Jesus can heal their broken hearts.

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