Psalm 105:15 ‘Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm’. This command of God is always claimed by Pastors and self-acclaimed prophets to be exclusively referred to them. When you fail to study your Bible you will be misled by any person preaching the word of God to you. In the Old Testament where the above quote is always taken from, God was referring to the people of Israel without exemption. He wasn’t talking about the priests only as being the anointed ones.

Many people aspire to be ministers of God to draw people’s attention to themselves. They want to become famous. They want to be respected and honoured even above God. They want to increase and Jesus Christ to be decreased, unlike John the forerunner who says of Jesus in John 3:30:  He must increase, but I must decrease’. 

Many people go into ministry to promote their own ego and personality and also to become rich and popular. I say many, because we have genuine Pastors who are leading the sheep well by directing people to the cross.

To understand Psalm 105:15, you must read verses 1 to 14; all the Israelites are the anointed people that God says other nations should not touch or harm.

In the New Testament, all true believers are the anointed. Every person who has accepted Jesus Christ as the Lord and Saviour (and is baptised) has automatically become an anointed person. The name Messiah/Christ means ‘’Anointed One’’, so all genuine followers of Jesus are by virtue of being under His anointing become anointed people. So no individual can claim to be more anointed than others. In spiritual matter there is nothing like positive, comparative and superlative. That is to say, there is nothing like ‘anointing, more anointing and most anointing’ or high anointing and higher anointing or high and low anointing.

Our anointing flows from Jesus Christ directly and not from pastors or any leader in the church. Pastors, Bishop, Arch-Bishop, Reverend, Most Reverend, Right-Reverend, Reverend Father, Pope, whatever title you give yourself or the leadership of your denomination gave you, is irrelevant in the matter of anointing. God only loves those who love Him and worship Him in truth and in spirit. God has no business with your title.

Jesus is from above and He is above all. Our anointing is equally derivative and none of us has superior anointing. We are all friends of the Bridegroom who is Jesus Christ, and like John the forerunner, we must submit to Jesus and only His voice must we hear and listen to.

He that hath the bride is the bridegroom: but the friend of the bridegroom, which standeth and heareth him, rejoiceth greatly because of the bridegroom’s voice: this my joy therefore is fulfilled. John 3:29

He that hath the bride is the bridegroom’ in the verse quoted above means ‘The man that has married a wife is the husband’, therefore we are the friends of the bridegroom and we should be fulfilled only in Him. No person in the name of pastor or prophet should draw us away from Jesus and the cross.

Jesus has no equal. John says, Jesus is from above and He is above all.

‘He that cometh from above is above all: he that is of the earth is earthly, and speaketh of the earth: he that cometh from heaven is above all. John 3:31

Any servant of God who is fond of saying ‘’Touch not my anointed’’ to exalt himself in order to intimidate the worshippers in his church is hereby warned to stop provoking God. While anointing oil was used to anoint kings by prophets as directed by God to confirm their appointments in the Old Testament, anointing oil is not relevant in the New Testament.

Thanks for reading this piece. We don’t intend to make any Pastor feel bad in any way. We respect all servants of God, but now that we are still alive it is important to point out misleading messages. Your contributions are highly welcomed!


Igede vs Igala in holy Union + Warning to Unbelievers and Lukewarm Christians on imminent Danger

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  1. I am really blessed by this message. Anointing is still relevant in the new testament, what we must desist from is the abuse of the anointing. James 5:14 says, if any is sick among you, let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anoint him with the oil in the name of the Lord. Anointing oil has both physical and spiritual benefits that makes it relevant in all generations. Though, It has been greatly abused by many ministers, it is still very useful if you have a good understanding of how it should be used. Many thanks for this great message and the good lord bless you richly in Jesus name. Amen

  2. I am grateful for your contribution. Highly appreciated!

  3. What a timeless message! More grace in Jesus name.


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