What is wrong with Christians and the Church of God? A Cry for Revival

To answer the Author of this article, nothing is wrong. Everything is happening to fulfil the word of God. We are already living in the perilous time. We should not be surprised because it is stated in 2Timothy 3:1-5 that the following will happen or dominate the lives of humanity, People will be: lovers of money, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self control, traitors, headstrong, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power.


 In the early years of my Christian walk as a youth.........

1. Friday nights were meant for vigils in the Church.

2. Youth conventions were purely for prayers, fasting, Bible study, and edifying activities.

3. As a single when you were going to visit an opposite sex you dared not go alone. 

4. When your Pastor scolded you, you bowed your head in tears for being a source of concern to him.

5. We didn't purchase any cloth we couldn't wear to church. 

6. During youth programmes we engaged in activities like draw your sword, Bible quizzes. 

7. Every Saturday was for Evangelism.

8. We were mobile Bibles as we could quote tens of scriptures by heart.

8. We didn't dare leave our houses for church without a Bible. 

9. We arrived church hall before service to prepare the church for the activities that would take place therein. 

10. Virginity was dignity to us and not lack of opportunity.

11. It wasn't difficult to identify us from unbelievers even as classroom students because you saw God's glory upon us. 

12. We were not ashamed to publicly declare our Christian faith. 

13. We often went out for morning cry as early as 5:00am. 

14. We usually preached in every bus we took. 

15. There was this deep hunger in us to always attend programmes in church.

16. Even without an official ordination we were called Pastors and Evangelists. 

17. We usually go to pray for the sick in hospitals for healing.

18. We dared to pray for the dead to come back to life.

19. Having a daily devotional was important to us.

20. We challenged ourselves to spend more time in the things of the kingdom.

21. We looked forward to our yearly camp meeting for an encounter with God. 

22. During worship sessions we received accurate Revelations from The Lord. 

23. We were used as models to correct unbelievers.

24. We were a source of Joy and honour to our parents and church.

25. Our consciences were very active and alive to admit when our ways were not right with God. 

Where are the youths of this generation?! Can there still be revival again?

I hear the Lord say to me: Revelation  2:5 "Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent".

Kindly share to as many as you can. Join in the cry for True Revival!

Author Unknown

Slightly edited and the Title supplied by us to attract attention.

Our article is intended to stimulate you to hungry for more of Jesus and not to condemn you. We are aimed at making our readers to realise that life is a journey and death is inevitable. Ours is to encourage the followers of Jesus Christ to continue to run this marathon race with the fear of God. I love YOU! Jesus loves YOU, and God loves YOU.

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     We are Near the End of the Age!






  1. Great teaching. May the Almighty God pour out His spirit of revival upon the body of Christ in Jesus name. I appreciate the grace of God upon your life. More blessings in Jesus name.


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