25 Notable Characteristics of False Prophets and Pastors

How to identify False Prophets and False Pastors

1.The love of money dominates their religious practice.

2.They dress to be known and respected of men.

3.They believe they are the only anointed ones who hear from God.

4. They perform fake miracles.

5.They are fond of using anointing oil and so-called holy water.

6.They only see evils in the nation and the life of individuals.

7.   They commercialise the gospel.

8. They want to be invited by other churches as guest ministers so that they would show what they are worth and capable of doing prophetically.

9.  They are egocentric.

10.They are very materialistic.

11.They tolerate any kind of dressing by women to the church.

12.They rarely mention holiness and righteousness in their messages.

13.They rarely preach about the kingdom of God.

14.They believe they have superior faith.

15.Some of them use big grammar and tautology during ministration.

16.They like speaking in tongue through microphone.

17.They always want their deliverance to be recorded, videoed and published.

18.Some of them as guest ministers dictate how much they are to be paid.

19.Some of them go with bodyguards to show how great they are.

20.Some of them operate from their own secluded church and make people to come to them for prophecy and deliverance.

21.They are not comfortable with the poor in the church as they believe they are liabilities.

22.They have sugar-coated mouths and preach more about prosperity and financial breakthrough.

23.They always cite stories of the past miracles they were able to perform as guest ministers in other churches when they were invited for their programmes.  

24.They like altar call for prayer for financial breakthrough and prosperity; and make people to come to pledge and give certain amounts of money in order to be blessed.

25.They like laying hands on people and push them until they fall to prove that they have the exclusively power of God.

(Not exhausted)

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  1. Great job sir. I am blessed and i strongly believe that this write up will help many from falling victims to the antics of false prophets and prophetesses.

  2. Very encouraging comment. Thanks a lot.


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