‘’Let Brotherly Love Continue’’

‘’Let Brotherly Love Continue’’. Hebrew 13:1

‘’Let brotherly love continue’’ is verse one of Hebrew chapter 13. God is love and those who love others are the ones who can claim to be children of God. He who loves not knows not God. Brotherly love Apostle Paul is emphasising is bearing one another’s burdens. That is we should be sympathetic with the plights of others. We should be hospitable.

We should not limit our love only to those we know, but we should welcome strangers and be generous in entertaining them. We should treat every person, man, woman and the least in the society with respect. In doing good to people, we might not know when we are entertaining Angels. Paul’s advice:

Remember them that are in bonds, as bound with them; and them which suffer adversity, as being yourselves also in the body. Hebrew 13:3

We should be contented. A covetous person can never be satisfied, because his life can never be free from the love of money and mundane things. An insatiable person has uncontrollable desires for material things of this world.  

Remain holy and form the habit of ‘’offering of praise’’ to God and study the Bible always. ‘Let brotherly love continue’ means continue showing kindness to people; give whenever and wherever opportunity presents itself and do so whole-heartedly within your capacity.  

Our article is intended to stimulate you to hungry for more of Jesus and not to condemn you. We are aimed at making our readers to realise that life is a journey and death is inevitable. Ours is to encourage the followers of Jesus Christ to continue to run this marathon race with the fear of God. I love YOU! Jesus loves YOU, and God loves YOU.

Thank you for reading this Message. We are happy you are a Christian, but for those who are yet to accept Jesus Christ, we pray for you to use this golden opportunity to accept Him Now. We pray for every fellow labourer and reader of our articles.

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