What Jesus means by the Meek shall inherit the Earth

Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth. Matthew 5:5

Bro. Ijuo Okpe
In the Sermon on the Mount otherwise known as the ‘Beatitudes’, Jesus says the meek will inherit the earth. Many people do not understand what it means by the meek will inherit the earth. To Jehovah witness, this means someday when the world comes to an end through destruction, the righteous will be left behind to inherit everything in the world. That means to the Jehovah witness, the kingdom of God will come to the meek here on the earth.

Meek according to the Advanced Learner’s Dictionary is someone who is: ‘’quiet, gentle and always ready to submit to others’’.  Jesus has said He is meek and lowly in heart and we should emulate Him. A meek person is someone who is humble, kind and generous. A meek person avoids trouble. He does not argue. He does not like quarrelling or even allow any misunderstanding to degenerate into a level where fight will result. He pursues peace and sows unity. He is always ever ready to accept his fault and apologise. He doesn’t discriminate. He is not a tribal chauvinist. He is not greedy or selfish. Nepotism is not part of his character. He cares about the welfare of others and how to help out. He fears God.  

To ‘’inherit the earth’’ means to live a satisfied long life and enjoy the fruits of their labour’’. The meek are not trouble makers, so they enjoy the favour of God. Since the meek love peace, they do enjoy divine protective life. God’s eyes are always upon the meek. The meek are patient people. They are contended with whatever they have. They do not pursue luxuries of this world.

Oh yeah, for they are meek, therefore they do not feel frustrated even in the midst of extreme penury. They worry not about anything they pray for which they are yet to get or achieve. Their ambitions do not drive them crazy. They are calm even in the midst of storm. My brothers and sisters reading this, I ask, why can’t the meek inherit the earth (that is live long) and enjoy life to the fullest. To ‘’inherit the earth’’ is to live a fulfilled long life and enjoy it to the fullest.

Jesus Christ is the best example of a meek Person. Despite persecutions, He did nothing to His adversaries. On the cross, He prayed for His persecutors and killers in spite of His enormous superior power. He says we should emulate His meekness thus:

Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. Matthew 11:29

If you want to inherit the earth, that is, live long and fulfil your dreams in life, then take this biblical advice: ‘’Be meek’’.  Only the meek will have peace of minds and ‘find rest’.

In conclusion read these promises of God concerning the meek, how God is ready to beautify them with salvation and increase their joy:

The Lord taketh pleasure in his people: he will beautify the meek with salvation. Psalm 149:4 (Underline supplied by me).

The meek shall also increase their joy in the Lord… Isaiah 29:19

Our article is intended to stimulate you to hungry for more of Jesus and not to condemn you. We are aimed at making our readers to realise that life is a journey and death is inevitable. Ours is to encourage the followers of Jesus Christ to continue to run this marathon race with the fear of God. We love YOU! Jesus loves YOU, and God loves YOU.

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Except otherwise stated, every article here is written by Ijuo Okpe, the servant whose only prayer is to be used like Apostle Paul.


  1. This article will bless many. More grace in Jesus name.

  2. I thank you heartily for encouraging us with your comments.


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