This Write-up has been trending on the social media. It has stated everything about the Church where founders are not concerned about salvation of souls, but how to amass wealth. The Author of the article identifies sixteen unholy practices in some Churches and advises or warns that ''if you are under this pattern of Christianity you are already in a cult, not the Church of Jesus Christ, therefore get out of the Church before it is too late''.

1) Pastors function like Chief Executive Officers (CEOs).

2) Members are turned into customers.

3) Other churches are seen as competitions.

4) Evangelism is reduced to marketing.

5) Church planting looks more like franchising.

6) Numbers are primary measure of success.

7) Prayer and Word study are replaced by formulas.

8) Revival is reduced to a few days fund-raising program.

9) Preaching sounds more like motivational speech. All the people do is: shout "I receive, Amen," throughout the concert. I mean the "service".

10)Praise and Worship is turned into a performance. The best actors are made the worship and praise leaders.

11)The Spirit of God is reduced to "emotionalism". No real power of God other than hypnosis and sensationalism.

12)The saints are entertained instead of equipped

13) Disciples of Christ have become papa's sons, daughters and fans.

14) The Church, a living Body has now become a lifeless body.

15) A leader's empire is built instead of the Kingdom of God advanced.

16) The pastor becomes the super man and Jesus Christ reduced to just another religious figure.

Does any one of these sound familiar in this generation? Beloved, if you are under this pattern of "Christianity" you are already in a cult, not the Church of Jesus Christ. Get out before it is too late!!!

All I have highlighted above is exactly what made Jesus himself to ask: "When the Son of Man comes, will He find faith in the Earth?" (Luke 18.8).

Author Unknown

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