Final Warning to False Teachers and Lukewarm Christians By Pastor Olusegun Keku

Video from our YouTube Channel: Danger in Living on Your Own Understanding
I am Pastor Olusegun Keku blowing this trumpet to warn you of the danger of living in sin and die without Christ. Yes, Bible says, today is the day of salvation, tomorrow may be too late. Many people heard this message in their life time, but they took it for granted and repented not. The result was that they died and are now gnashing their teeth in the hell.

That you are alive to hear this message today, I rejoice with you while begging you to amend your ways, confess and repent of your sins, so that you will not regret when you leave this world in death. It is better you lose the earthly things for the sake of salvation of your soul than aspiring to gain the whole world and lose your soul. Please, accept Jesus Christ by giving your life to Him now. There is nothing here in this wicked world that can be compared to the life eternal where there is true love and joy.  

Hear this warning…after death all your pride, cars, bank accounts and several achievements and possessions shall be in desolation. Let it be known to you that those ungodly people who were living in affluence before you are now suffering in hell, a place originally prepared for the devil and his angels.

I advise Pastors to preach the right message and not leading people to hell with their own church doctrines. Stop perverting the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ just to satisfy your personal ungodly desires.

Remember Apostle Paul has warned us not to listen to false teachers, but to chase them away. Here is Paul’s warning that if he himself or any Minister working with him or even an angel from heaven teaches you contrary doctrines, you should not tolerate him:

I marvelled that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel: Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ. But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. As we said before, so I say now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you that ye have received, let him be accursed. Galatians 1:6-9

No eye-service. No men pleasing. Just heed the advice of Brother Paul not to received or accept a wrong doctrine no matter the position and title of your Pastor. I thank this Blogger for giving me opportunity to preach to you through my writings and videos. I pray for you for reading this message.

Our article is intended to stimulate you to hungry for more of Jesus and not to condemn you. We are aimed at making our readers to realise that life is a journey and death is inevitable. Ours is to encourage the followers of Jesus Christ to continue to run this marathon race with the fear of God. We love YOU! Jesus loves YOU, and God loves YOU.

Thank you for reading this Message. We are happy you are a Christian, but for those who are yet to accept Jesus Christ, we pray for you to use this golden opportunity to accept Him Now. We pray for every fellow labourer and reader of our articles.

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