We are bloggers on a mission to save lives and restore peace to the world. Subscribe to our Blog to get life-saving information. The focus of the Author of this article is Nigeria, but this security advice is useful to every person in every nation in the world as insecurity is now a challenge globally.

I want you all to be mindful of your security. Listen to news regularly.

The country is going through very difficult and unsafe times. Presently there are calls from foreign concerns to declare Nigeria a failed state. This is because of the level of insecurity in the country presently.

We all need to be concerned about our safety. Do not say it can never happen to me. No one is safe. Relatives of the President had been kidnapped. Clergymen, Security men, etc are not spared. No one is safe, nowhere is safe. Let us try and observe strict security protocols together with our prayers.

ONE: Never stay out of the house late. Come back home latest 6pm. Do not attend church programs beyond 6pm except it's a vigil. Whatever they're doing if they don't close by 6pm, please I advise you to leave and start going back to your house.

 TWO: Do not travel in marked vehicles. For example, vehicles bearing names like CAC, New Covenant Church, University, JAMB, WAEC, company etc.

 THREE: Do not travel in groups. If you are to go for a program, move alone.

 FOUR: If your area is being attacked, switch of all lights including any switch with lights no matter how tiny. Remove all jewellery on your body and wrap your phone in a cloth to prevent light reflection that can betray your position.

If you hear gunshot, leave your bed and lie flat under the bed and out of your window. Get out of sight. Lie close to any wall.

FIVE: Do not take ride in any vehicle that you don't know. Take public transportation at all times.

 SIX: When you go out dress normal and neat, not flashy to draw attention to yourself. Never wear any clothes that can get you noticed or identified.

 SEVEN: If you are going out to somewhere, tell someone in the family or your trusted friend where you are going to and the expected time of your arrival, and when you will be expected back. If possible don't go alone.

 EIGHT: On no account should you visit online friends. People who you meet on social media, you should never visit them either in public or in their home or office. NEVER!

 NINE: Speak very little when you are in public and never comment on government or political issues.

 TEN: Always maintain call credit on your phone and always ensure you have power on it or buy power bank. You may need to make contact in case of ATTACK.

 ELEVEN: If under attack, do not make voice calls, because sound travel faster and quietly at night, just ring the number repeatedly if the person pick, don't speak. Just send text. When doing that, do it under cover so that your phone will not reflect any ray of light.

 TWELVE: Don't buy group dress from anyone for now. No matter how close they are to you, don't buy.

 THIRTEEN: Don't attend parties that you are not closely concerned.

 FOURTEEN: If at all, you come under attack, remember there are only TWO rules to guide you:



If you panic, you will attract attention of the attackers to yourselves, and you will not remember exactly what you need to do to keep you safe.

 FIFTEEN: This is not the time to do fashion or to showcase your new clothing and shoes or use expensive cars or cars that will expose you. Any time you want to go out, wear dresses and shoes that will allow you to run in case you need to get out of troubled area fast. Wear cheap shoes that you can throw away if it impedes your movement. Your dress should not hinder your ability to run.

 SIXTEEN: Prepare for any eventuality. Do not say it can't happen. Be Prepared. Trouble can happen anywhere any time. Remember your life is very important, not your phone or your property.

SEVENTEEN: If you have to run, throw away anything in your hand. Save yourself first. Don't wait to pick anything that drop from your hands. Run as fast as you can.

EIGHTEEN: If there is a shooting, do not panic. The fact that you heard the gunshot means that you are not hit. If you are hit, you will not hear the SOUND. Reduce your height first by bending down as close to the ground as possible. Then try and identify the direction of the shots first then draw a cross putting the direction of the shot at north or south, run East or WEST. Never run straight line in opposite direction because bullets travel at straight line and never run toward the point of the gunshot. As you are moving out of the troubled area, identify hard objects or structures that you can use as protection where you can hide. If you notice the sound is coming closer, shift your location a little as you continue to run. If not, find a safe place and hide in sitting position to avoid stray bullets from hitting you.

NINETEEN: At this moment, avoid arguments with People. When you notice people are showing anger, don't wait to settle them, move out of the place as quickly and quietly as you can. .Don't go to places of incidents to go and look what's happening.

TWENTY: At this moment, stay as close as possible to your home. Know the shortest possible routes to your home in case you need to get home quickly. Always keep some change at hand. Not much, maybe N2,000 or amount of money in case you need to board a public transport out of any trouble area.


Suspect everything including people and places...please Adhere Strictly to the rules above and stay safe.

Peace be unto you, Amen! Please share to save others.

Author Unknown.

Edited a bit. Title supplied by the Publisher of this Blogger.


  1. These confessions of bandits will shock you.


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