Recognising the Power God Has Given You and How to Apply It

They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover. Mark 16:18

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See the enormous power the Father has given us that believe in the above quoted verse of the Book of Mark. God loves us so much that He spared not His only Son in His plan to rescue us from the dominion of Satan.  God is able and nothing is impossible for Him to do.

Let us go to Him daily with praises and thanksgivings. Let us not be weary.  No worry. No fret because of seeming delay in getting what we want after much prayer and fasting. Let us keep our hope alive.

Know this that God who has bought us with the blood of His Son Jesus Christ has covenanted with us that He will never forsake us. He has not left us comfortless. God has paid the ransom to release us from the hand of the wicked one called Satan who abducted us when he misled Adam and Eve into disobeying Him.

Nothing to fear anymore; the power is no more with Satan. Satan is helpless and powerless. You should be happy and rejoice for the available freedom God has given you as a Christian. Be glad –yea exceedingly glad because you are untouchable. No poison can hurt or harm you. He has given you and all of us powers over serpents and scorpions and wild animals. Yes, even power to lay hand on the sick and they will recover is given to us, therefore you should understand that good health is yours and mine as long as we live.

Our article is intended to stimulate you to hungry for more of Jesus and not to condemn you. We are aimed at making our readers to realise that life is a journey and death is inevitable. Ours is to encourage the followers of Jesus Christ to continue to run this marathon race with the fear of God. We love YOU! Jesus loves YOU, and God loves YOU.

Thank you for reading this Message. We are happy you are a Christian, but for those who are yet to accept Jesus Christ, we pray for you to use this golden opportunity to accept Him Now. We pray for every fellow labourer and reader of our articles.

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