The attention of Arewa Christians and Indigenous Pastors Association (ACIPA) has been drawn to the despicable, shameful and barbaric murder of Miss. Deborah Emmanuel Yakubu, a Christian, an N.C.E II student of the Home Economics Department at Shehu Shagari College of Education in Sokoto State. The Late Miss. Deborah Emmanuel Yakubu hails from Sakaba Local Government of Kebbi State, while her family resides at Rijau Local Government of Niger State.

The gruesome murder of Miss. Deborah Emmanuel Yakubu in an institution of higher learning and carried out by student colleagues as a result of  alleged blasphemy of the Prophet of Islam as an action in defense of their religion, Islam is shocking as it is unimaginable!

We are not surprised that the perpetrators of this heinous act are drunk under the opiates of radical Islamic clerics as there are video evidence(s) as proof.

We have waited to hear the responses of the President, Muhammadu Buhari, the Sokoto state Government and in particular that of His Eminence the Sultan of Sokoto.

ACIPA, hereby commends the Sultan’s timely and matured response. Also we commend the fatherly and exemplary Ecclesiastical leadership of the Most Reverend Father Matthew Hassan Kukah, the Catholic Bishop of Sokoto for his response to the incident.

We as Christians have since seen the light and power of Christ Jesus who fights for His name and religion. If Muslims choose to fight for their Prophet or Holy book, let it be on those Muslims who subscribe to Islamic sharia.

ACIPA, after due consultation amongst fellow Christians in the North and across southern Nigeria, have found it imperative to make this statement. This is obvious considering the slide to anarchy and state of lawlessness which may soon result in Nigeria as a failed state. This is confirmed evidence of our failed state status despite the constant denial by our clueless government.

The Federal Government, Sokoto state government and the security operatives have failed in their responsibilities by not restraining and calling Islamic clerics who have been propagating inciting and hateful messages particularly against Christians.

The inciting, intolerant and hateful messages of radical Islamic clerics who include the likes of Dr. Abdullah Gadon kaya is a kind of Fatwah even before this alleged act of blasphemy.

The position of the Abuja central Mosque Chief Imam, Professor Ibrahim Maqari supporting the murder of Deborah Emmanuel Yakubu confirms our position will regards to support of high ranking Muslim clerics and some politicians as far as the promotion of radical Islamic ideology and jurisprudence is concerned.

In view of the pronouncement of the Abuja central Mosque Imam endorsing and commending the actions of the murderers of Deborah for “crossing” Islam’s “red line”, he should be immediately reprimanded to serve as an example to other clerics who share in this radical Islamist ideology and dubious notion of superiority.

Arewa, Nigerian Christians and indeed the totality of Nigerians want to know if the sharia supersedes the Nigerian Constitution and if sharia laws should be applicable to Christians in a secular Nigeria. If indeed the Koran and sharia Islamic Jurisprudence supersede our Constitution, then obviously this is the time that we, the Northern and Middle Belt Christians should begin to re-negotiate our existence under a questionable constitution.

From our findings, it would appear a huge number of Muslims believe that the murder of Miss Deborah Emmanuel Yakubu on Thursday 12th May, 2022 was justified because she blasphemed against the Prophet of Islam.

Little wonder President Mohamadu Buhari as a supposed father of the nation chose for a long time to be silent over the murder of Miss Deborah Emmanuel Yakubu. On the other side, Alhaji Atiku Abubakar, a Muslim and top presidential aspirant in PDP retracted his earlier post condemning the cold blooded murder. Also Asiwaju Ahmed Bola Tinubu a Muslim and one of the top contenders to the position of President in APC has chosen to be silent.

Thus the obvious has been confirmed; that the political battle line in Nigeria is a contest for dominance over Christians and the imposition of Sharia as well as Islamization by the Muslims in all spheres. This can never be acceptable.

It is disheartening to find out that the President of Nigeria and two top Muslim aspirants chose to look the other way in the case of the cold blooded murder of Miss Deborah. This has defined who they are and rightly placed them within our purview. We in ACIPA and indeed a generality of Christians have no place for those whose bigotry has been shielded over the years.

With the forthcoming presidential primaries and the subsequent general elections in 2023 and with the intelligence at our disposal we are already aware of the machinations and conspiracies to impose a stooge at the behest of the Northern Islamist kingmakers as the president of Nigeria in 2023. This will not be.

In our statement of Sunday 8th May, 2022 we provided evidence of  the infiltration of the armed forces by elements who are adherents of radical Islam.

We wish to state unambiguously that the misguided sense of superiority and dominance mentality in the psyche of Muslims in the Armed Forces, the army in particular and other sectors as recently proven with the murder of Miss Deborah is not unconnected to the introduction of sharia and incitement by radical Islamic clerics in their pronouncements.

The Arabic inscription on the crest of the Nigerian army is now seen as promoting this misguided notion of  Islamic superiority and religious bigotry in the Nigerian Army.

Also, it is common knowledge that since the introduction of Sharia by some Northern states governments, the wave of radicalization, terrorism as well as inciting and hateful messages by some Islamic clerics including Sheik Yahaya Jengre of Jos has been on the increase.

In view of the above, the inherent dangers and risk of a circle of vendetta that may lead to religious war, we hereby demand the following:

That from  henceforth, the Federal Government, Security Operatives, State Governments with particular reference to Sokoto, Kano, Kebbi, Zamfara, Katsina, Borno, Yobe, Niger and Jigawa state governments  call out all Islamic clerics known for hate and inciting speeches to order with immediate effect.

We call on the Federal Government to compel the Nigerian Army to change the Arabic inscription on the Nigerian Army crescent to English  our official language.

We demand that the Sokoto state government and Islamic council of Sokoto  render public apology over the murder of Miss Deborah Yakubu and aggressively punish all the transgressors. Doing this will confirm their non-endorsement of such barbaric act and condoning such ihateful messages and actions to prevent a re-occurrence.

In view of the wide acceptance, celebration and justification of the gruesome murder of Miss Deborah Yakubu by some Muslims, the sultanate, Sokoto state government and Northern State governments should go beyond condemning the act, calling for peace and prosecution of the perpetrators.

The sultanate, states and federal government should legislate against Islamic clerics who direct Muslims to kill those who allegedly blaspheme against the Prophet of Islam or the Holy Koran. Such laws should be applicable to Muslims only.

We demand that the Sokoto state government should immediately and without hesitation render apology and make necessary compensations (Diya) to the family of late Miss. Deborah Yakubu.

In conclusion, we are watching carefully the events unfolding with regards the Sokoto state government handling of the arrest and prosecution of the perpetrators of this heinous crime in accordance to the extant laws of the federal republic of Nigeria.

It is obvious that failure of the government to execute justice without delay as well as doing the needful could have dire consequences in the short and long term.

Once more, our condolences and prayers to the family and friends of Late Miss. Deborah Yakubu. Never again!

Signed: Rev. Luke Shehu

CC:  -   Office of NSA

His Eminence the Sultan of Sokoto

The Executive Governor of Sokoto

Northern State Governors

Religious clerics





Media organization


Nigeria Christian Elders Forum

Northern Christian Traditional Rulers Association

Nigerian Council of Religious Affairs

Nigerian Governors Forum
