Why Bishop David Oyedepo Wants Christians to get Voters' Cards

Were you wondering why the founder and General Overseer of Winners Chapel has not seen anything good in the government of President Muhammadu Buhari? His Church finances are highly affected by the policies of this administration. Read the article below:

I listened to a video clip of David Abioye of Living Faith Church, Abuja branch and it gave me goose pimples. I opted to listen to the full clip because Abioye was the ministrating priest in Kaduna, specifically in the Barnawa branch of Living Faith Church. The sheer venomous force with which he was coercing his congregation to get their PVC and make the next election a vote for their faith sank my spirits. He not only griped about how the fortunes of the church had dwindled over the last seven years, he also claimed that Christians have been at the receiving end of a deliberate plan to deplete their numbers through killings all over the country. I shuddered when his listeners applauded him  all through this harangue.

Video: Bishop David Abioye Tells Church Members who to vote for 2023

I began to ruminate on the sheer penchant of man to perpetually reward not only God but  his fellow man's acts of goodness with ingratitude. Bishop Oyedepo started his church enterprise in Ungwan Rimi, a predominantly Muslim enclave where he was consecrated in a low-cost housing estate by late bishop Idahosa and later moved to Katsina road which he made his headquarters.  As the church grew with its prosperity preaching, it needed to expand and he sought to buy a bigger expanse of land in Barnawa, which again was made possible for him by the Bakori family, again Muslims. It was here that Oyedepo grew in leaps and bounds and expanded to Abuja, Lagos and beyond the shores of this country. When he had a bigger, mega parish in Lagos, he had to leave and made his assistant, Abioye then, to take over. Abioye was in Kaduna for a few years before he now had to go to a bigger branch in Abuja. In all of these, can Oyedepo and Abioye in all honesty, say that the good Lord, Muslims and the fates have not been kind to them with the fleet of private jets, educational institutions, thousands of branches, cash in the bank and numerous landed properties owned by the church?

Secondly, Abioye says that the church has been worsted in the past seven years with this administration? HOW? To the best of my knowledge,  the present Vice President of Nigeria is a pastor with one of the biggest churches in Nigeria,  the Redeemed Church. How come as head of the economic team, he allowed the fate of Christians to become worse or allow the fortunes of the church to dwindle to the extent that Christians in the country no longer have jobs, businesses or opportunities to thrive in a country where their man is the number two citizen? How come among the more than half of the delegates that voted in the two primaries of the major political parties, they didn't feel aggrieved enough to ensure that Christian candidates emerged as flag bearers of the two political parties for next year's presidential elections?

 Abioye urged his listeners to vote for their faith because he will certainly be voting for his faith and I thought to myself, if everyone is to vote for their faith, where then is the place of good governance that will enhance the socio-economic fortunes of the individual which will then give room for their ability to give more to the church and charity to the less privileged? If we should be concerned only about the comfort of the church, who then will take care of the millions of the poor, helpless and hopeless of the society whose sustenance does not come from the church?

I wish you all the best great citizens of conscience❤ Copied!

