Why I am unapologetically proud of Jesus Christ By Musa


As a Fulani man, if there is anything important that has ever happened to me is having CHRIST as my Lord and Savior.

As a Fulani man, if there is any best decision that I have ever made in life is giving my life to CHRIST.

As a Fulani man, if there is anything that I find pleasure in doing it, is PREACHING THE GOSPEL to those who are yet to know CHRIST.

As a Fulani man, if there is anything that gives me peace of mind is, knowing that I am now a new creation in CHRIST JESUS.

As a Fulani man, if there is anything that gives me joy is knowing that I am now saved and free from eternal condemnation.

Therefore, I have never regretted converting from Islam to Christianity and I will never be. No one will ever have a genuine encounter with CHRIST JESUS and regret it.

I am proud of it because I have found salvation which is why we are trying to reach out to those who are yet to Know Christ with the Gospel so that they shall also be saved. Keep praying for us.

Evang. Musa B. M.
