The Mysteries of the Bible by Kelvin Ugwu


Where did Cain Get his wife?

“Cain knew his wife, and she conceived and bore Enoch; and he built a city, and called the name of the city after the name of his son, Enoch.” Gen 4:17


1. God put a mark on Cain so that “other” people would not kill him, yet it was ONLY Adam and Eve that were created, who are those “OTHER” people? Gen 4:15

2. And if Adam and Eve were the first humans to be created; and they begot Cain and Abel. Cain killed Abel and was banished by the Lord, he went into 'exile', and during that period he got married to a lady. Now, who are the parents of the lady he married? Is she also Adam's offspring? 

Let us be sincere. The above question on where Cain got his wife and on those Cain was afraid would kill him, do not have answers in the Bible.

Ok, wait a minute. . .

I think you will find answers. I am wrong in saying you won't find answers. Let me say it this way:

The type of answer you are looking for concerning those questions; the type if answer that will satisfy what your head wants, cannot be found anywhere in the bible.

When I finished secondary school and was about to enter the seminary in 2004, I heard the same questions repeatedly. I felt I would find the answers once I entered the seminary. I finished my seminary studies in 2015, but I did not find the type of answer I was looking for. It is almost 2024, 20 years now, and I am still receiving the same question.

Does it not astonish you that with the myriad of biblical scholars, yet, no answer on where Cain found his wife has been satisfactorily given?

This is because, we are just doing what you people called “you go explain tire, no evidence.”

My honest advice is this, quit searching for that type of answer in your head, you will never find it.

I have read lots of answers from people. Some said Cain’s wife was his sister (even though the bible never told us so). 

They quote Genesis 5: 4-5 and 4:17 on how Adam had many other children. They quote how Adam lived for 930 years and why it is possible that Cain must have married his sister or niece.

But the first problem comes when you ask about the way their own years were counted. Is it up to 12 months as we have it today? When they said Adam lived for 930 years, who calculated it, and what calendar year was used in the calculation?  

The second problem comes when you take them back to when Cain killed Abel and due to the punishment God wanted to give him, Cain had to tell God that “…whoever finds me will kill me” (Genesis 4:13–14). 

To whom was Cain referring to?

According to the Bible, the only people on earth were:

Adam - Cain’s father

Eve - Cain’s mother

Cain (and Abel is dead)

Should we believe that Adam and Eve want to kill Cain? NO! Obviously, there is a LOT going on that the Bible just does not tell us!

If you push the argument even further, in Genesis 4:17, Cain built a CITY and named it after his son. 

Why would Cain build a “city” for himself, his wife, and his son? People build HOUSES for three people, not CITIES!!!

So, you see why I said you should stop stressing your head. The Bible did not say Cain’s wife was his sister. Leave it like that. And put a full stop!

Now, to those genuinely ready to learn the truth behind the answer as well as other questions from the creation story, first compare and contrast the two creation stories.

In the first creation story, God created men and women, many of them, scattered everywhere on earth. Gen 1:27. If we are to follow this creation story, we already have answers to some of our questions.

The second creation story says God created a single man called Adam (Gen 2:7) and later created a single woman called Eve (Gen 2:22). This is where most of the questions come from.

The fact that these two seemingly “contrasting” stories exist in the same Genesis, says a lot. 

The first and fundamental thing is that the story is not a historical fact. The author never set out to tell history. Science already told us that the earth is 4.543 Billion years old. The dating of the book of Genesis is around 1440 and 1400 BC. So, was Genesis written to narrate the history of how the earth was made 4 billion years ago?  

If you take it as history, you lose the depth and message the bible intends to communicate. 

This is why, laughing at the creation stories for what some call "inconsistencies", only make the one laughing the bigger joke. It means you read it, took every word literally, and then came out to display your lack of understanding of a message not written to be be read as a history book.

If you have read to this point, then, it appears you are willing to learn. Simply follow the series, share our posts, so we learn together.

I won't put everything in one post. It will be boring.



By Rev. Father Kelvin Ugwu
