The Supremacy of Jesus by Ibrahim Dikko

Evang. Ibrahim Dikko

There are at least twelve historical facts about Jesus that even non-Christian critical scholars will admit:

1: Jesus died by crucifixion.

2: He was buried.

3: His death caused the disciples to despair and lose hope.

4: Jesus tomb was empty a few days later.

5: The disciples believed they experienced appearances of the risen Jesus.

6: After this, the disciples were transformed from doubters into bold believers.

7: This message was the center of preaching in the early Church.

8: This message was preached in Jerusalem.

9: As a result of this preaching, the Church was born and it grew.

10: Resurrection day, Sunday, replaced the Sabbath (Saturday) as the primary day of worship.

11: James, a skeptic, was converted when he also believed that he saw the resurrected Jesus.

12: Paul, an enemy of Christianity, was converted by an experience which he believed to be an appearance of the risen Jesus.

 Ibrahim Dikko
