Before You Follow in the Footsteps of Pastor Enoch Adeboye, Read This


Pa Adeboye is well advanced in years. 

In his sojourn on earth, he bestrides the church in Nigeria like a colossus. Till today, he remains the most recognisable face of church leadership in the country. A leader that has garnered the most superlative adjectives in the history of the church in Nigeria.

As the 2017 article on the link below states, “In Nigeria, there is nobody as effective and resourceful in serving the church system of today as Pastor Adeboye. None has a bigger crowd than him. None has gathered as much resources for the ministry as he has. None has the global reach that he has. None has as many superlatives and firsts as he has – largest camp, largest auditorium, largest attendance in any single service, largest this, largest that, etc. In this respect, he is very, very good.”

However, this is just one side of the story. There is yet another side. A darker side. The article mentioned above continues, “In Nigeria, there is … none that has promoted the erosion of Gospel values and standards as he has. None has commercialised the Gospel on an industrial scale as he has. 

None has filled the pulpits with more carnal men and babes as he has…. None has proliferated church membership, turning it into a worldly, ‘ALL-COMERS’ affair as he has. Look at the Church in Nigeria today, look at its fruits; NONE CONTRIBUTED MORE TO THIS MELEE THAN PASTOR E.A. ADEBOYE. And, in this respect, he is very dangerous to the Kingdom of God in Nigeria.”

In addition to the false and damaging health-and-wealth ‘gospel’ that underpins his core message, Pa Adeboye twists the Holy Bible to collect money regularly from naïve and vulnerable Christians. Often, very poor people - in a country with the second largest poor population in the world.

Here are a few examples: 

(1) In 2018, Pa Adeboye instructed the thousands of pastors in RCCG to teach their members that, “Anyone who is not paying his tithe is NOT going to heaven. Full stop.” Of course, a diligent study of the Bible will show that this IS A LIE!

(2) Similarly, he also teaches that believers ought to give their ENTIRE January salary to the church as ‘first-fruit’ offering. Again, there is no precedence whatsoever for this in this New Testament era. Pls, check the Bible. So, this IS A SCAM!

(3) Worst of all, he also teaches that believers should pay money to REDEEM ALL FIRST-BORN CHILDREN in the family. This is sacrilegious. It is akin to monetising the redemption that Jesus offers FREELY to ALL mankind through the blood that he shed at Calvary. A very, very dangerous teaching.

There’s much more. But this article is NOT focussed on his many false teachings and practices. Teachings that have become precedents for hundreds of thousands of pastors – because of Pa Adeboye’s eminent status in the church in Nigeria.

Rather, the article expresses both A HOPE and A PRAYER that Pa Adeboye would change the course of his legacy before he leaves this world.

He can do this by simply REPENTING. And by openly RENOUNCING his false teachings and his commercialisation of the Gospel in Nigeria. 

The tremendous benefits that this single act of contrition will bequeath to the church in Nigeria is mind-blowing!!! Here are just two of those benefits:

First, it will help the millions and millions of the believers that Pa Adeboye has held spellbound to examine and re-examine the ‘gospel’ they have received, and now trust for their eternal destinies. In this process, untold numbers of such people will become free to find GENUINE salvation in Christ Jesus. Through the grace of God, this will be to Pa Adeboye’s eternal credit.

Second, the hundreds of thousands of Christian ministers that have fashioned their lives and ministries after the precepts laid down by Pa Adeboye would also PAUSE to reflect! To double-check their faithfulness to Jesus Christ in the ministry that they purport to fulfil in His sacred name.

As these ministers do so, many of them will find the truth! Will find repentance. Will find redemption. And, as a result, many of the victims of these ministers will also find TRUE repentance and GENUINE salvation in Christ Jesus.

Again, this will be to the eternal credit of Pa Adeboye, simply for repenting. Credit here on earth. And, more importantly, ‘credit’ with God in heaven, who does not want ANY man to perish, but to come to repentance.

If Pa Adeboye does not find the humility to take this bold and radical step in honour of Christ, and for the good of mankind, he’ll one day still pass away - like all mortal men. But, when the darkness that currently envelopes the church in Nigeria is lifted, ALL men would be able to clearly see what only a few can see today. They’ll see the UNCONSCIONABLE BETRAYAL of the Gospel of Jesus Christ by Pa Adeboye.

That is here on earth. Don’t let’s even imagine the reception that he’ll get from the Holy One that suffered in great agony and died – so that men might become free!

Thus, anyone who claims to genuinely love this gentleman will do well to keep him in EARNEST PRAYERS. Prayers that, by the mercy of God, he might find the necessary humility and courage to truly repent - OPENLY. So that the captives might be set free to flourish in Christ.

No believer who truly possesses the Spirit of Christ will want an awful, imminent judgment on ANYBODY. Including Pa Adeboye.

Thus, please pray, pray, and pray. For only God knows the allotted time for every man on earth.

Thanks for reading, God bless you. 


Copied from Pastor Sunday Adelaja's Facebook Account. 

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