An atheist Samiratu Alhassan, who is an atheist? An atheist is generally defined as a person who denies the existence of God or a higher power. He/she doesn't believe God exists, they said nothing like God, e.g Samiratu from Islam to an atheist, she doesn't believe God exists and she has been attacking me through my apologetics ministry.
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Evang. Ibrahim Dikko |
As Christians who know the love of God and have the assurance of eternity in heaven, it’s hard to understand why anyone would want to be an #atheist.
Christianity rejects blind faith: Many atheists struggle with the idea of "blind faith" but the claim that Christians are called to blind faith is simply untrue.
👉There is no place in the Bible where human beings are told, Believe this, just because.
👉This misunderstanding is due to a mistaken definition of faith.
👉The Bible’s view of faith is best described as trust.
👉This is certainly different from "proof" but faith is never presented as belief without evidence or against all evidence.
👉In fact, the Bible consistently points to historical events as the basis for our faith (Numbers 14:11 John 14:11).
But when we realize the sin nature and its strong influence on the mind and the heart, we begin to understand where the atheist is coming from.
#At_Samiratu: Christianity is uniquely tied to reason and evidence.
👉The Bible is unique in its approach to reason and evidence.
👉Even Jesus Christ appealed to evidence when He was challenged.
👉In John 5, Jesus acknowledges that others won't or can't believe what He says on blind faith.
👉So He offers three lines of evidence as reasons to trust Him: human testimony, observations and written records (John 5:30-47).
👉The earliest believers constantly referred to facts and evidence as support for their message (1 Corinthians 15:13–14, 2 Peter 1:16, Luke 1:1-4).
👉Biblically speaking, there is no such thing as an atheist.
👉Psalm 19:1-2 tells us that the heavens declare the glory of God.
👉We see His creative power in all that He has made.
Romans 1:19-20 follows up on this idea, telling us that what may be known about God has been made plain to us through the creation and anyone who denies this is suppressing the truth in unrighteousness (V 18).
👉Psalm 14:1 and 53:1 declare that those who deny the existence of God are fools.
👉So the atheist is either lying or he is a fool or both.
👉So, what is it that causes someone to deny God?
The main goal of those under the influence of the sin nature is to make himself a god, to have complete control over his life, or so he thinks. Then religion comes along with obligations, judgments and restrictions, while atheists presume to define their own meaning and morality.
👉They do not want to submit to God because their hearts are at enmity against God and they have no desire to be subject to His Law.
👉In fact they are incapable of doing so because their sin has blinded them to truth (Romans 8:6-7).
👉This is why atheists spend most of their time complaining and arguing not about the scriptural proof texts but about the dos and don'ts.
Their natural rebelliousness detests the commandments of God. They simply hate the idea that anything or any One should have control over them. What they do not realize is that Satan himself is controlling them, blinding them, and preparing their souls for hell.
In terms of evangelizing atheists, we should not hold back the gospel from someone just because he or she claims to be an atheist.
👉Do not forget that an atheist is just as lost as a Muslim, Hindu or Buddhist.
👉God certainly wants us to spread the gospel (Matthew 28:19) and to defend the truths of His word (Romans 1:16).
On the other hand, we are not obligated to waste our time trying to convince the unwilling.
In fact, we are warned not to expend excessive effort on those who are clearly disinterested in any honest discussions (Matthew 7:6).
Jesus told the apostles to go and preach the Word, but He did not expect them to stay anywhere until every last person had been converted (Matthew 10:14).
👉To you #Atheist_Samiratu: God loves you so much that He made a way to be forgiven for every sin, so you can spend eternity with Him.
👉The Bible says that each person needs to be saved (Romans 3:23) each person can be saved (Romans 1:16) and God wants each person to be saved (2 Peter 3:9).
👉As you have seen, our view of Christianity is in no sense driven by thinking wishful thinking.
👉We firmly believe that reason, logic, and evidence are important aspects of a vibrant faith.
👉At the same time, we acknowledge that intellect and reason are not the complete picture of human experience.
Every person has his own reasons for his beliefs or lack thereof. Often, these reasons are more emotionally driven than we like to admit. The message of the gospel is not one human beings instinctively prefer. But, once a person truly understands the biblical Christian worldview, the caricatures and myths fall away and what’s left is compelling and powerful.
#At_Samiratu: God doesn't ask us to follow Him blindly (1 Thessalonians 5:21) or ignorantly (Acts 17:11) or without doubts (Jude 1:22).
👉Rather, Christianity offers reasons to believe: evidence in nature (Psalm 19:1) in science (Genesis 1:1) in logic (Isaiah 1:18), in history (Luke 1:1-4) and in human experience (Romans 1:20-21; 1 Peter 5:1).
Every question, honestly and truthfully answered, gives that person a chance to hear the gospel. But if that person is just arguing, being hostile, or otherwise not listening, it’s probably time to go somewhere else. Some people are totally and absolutely hardened to the gospel (Proverbs 29:1).
They may be rational or irrational, but there are scriptural reasons to believe that some people are willingly immune to the influence of the Holy Spirit (Genesis 6:3).
When we have made a good faith effort to talk to someone, and he or she is unreachable, then we are commanded to "shake the dust off" of our shoes (Luke 9:5) and spend our time talking to those who are more spiritually open.
As in all things, the wisdom of God is crucial. God has promised that wisdom to us if we ask (James 1:5), and we should pray for it and trust God’s prompting to know how and when to end the dialog with a hostile atheist.
To you, #atheist_Samiratu, we respectfully like to summarize that biblical message as follows:
God loves you so much SAMIRATU that He made a way to be forgiven for every sin, so you can spend eternity with Him. The Bible says that each person needs to be saved (Romans 3:23), each person can be saved (Romans 1:16), and God wants each person to be saved (2 Peter 3:9).
That one and only way is through faith in Jesus Christ (John 14:6). God Himself came to earth as a human, living a perfect and sinless life (Hebrews 4:15). He willingly died as a sacrifice to pay the debt for our sins (2 Corinthians 5:21).
According to the Scriptures, anyone can be "saved" forgiven by God and guaranteed heaven through faith in Jesus Christ (Romans 10:13).
This isn’t a call for blind, ignorant belief (Acts 17:11; 1 John 4:1).
👉It's an invitation from God to submission and trust (James 4:7).
👉It’s a choice to let go of everything else in order to rely entirely on God.
#To Samiratu: You have nothing to lose. At the worst, you’ll have a more accurate understanding.
👉At best, you’ll come to realize what so many other skeptics have: that Jesus is, in fact, the truth.
Have you made a decision for Christ because of what you have read here? If so, please say yes to JESUS to accept Christ today.
By Apologist Evangelist Ibrahim Dikko.
Our article is intended to stimulate you to hungry for more of Jesus and not to condemn you. We are aimed at making our readers to realise that life is a journey and death is inevitable. Ours is to encourage the followers of Jesus Christ to continue to run this marathon race with the fear of God. We love YOU! Jesus loves YOU, and God loves YOU.
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