Dangers and Benefits of Help and Helping Out Without Knowledge (1) by Pastor Raphael Idoko.

In this Article Pastor Raphael Idoko advises that people should take their problems to God in prayer before seeking for help from others or help anyone. Helping or being helped he says is very important as God wants us to help one another, but due to evil ones pretending to be angels of light, Pastor Idoko counsels that children of God in particular should always be prayerful so that any help received or given out will not bring problems to them. Raphael Idoko is the Founder and Senior Pastor of Living Saints In Christ Ministry with Headquarters in Lagos, Nigeria.

Pastor Raphael Idoko

The publisher,

Many thanks for this great service to Jesus Christ and mankind. My prayer for you is that, the glorious light of the gospel that you are presenting to the world will continue to illumine every aspect of your life in Jesus name. I have been greatly blessed by your publications. I also would like to contribute this article to bless others.

Anchor scripture: "Woe to those who go down to Egypt for help, and rely on horses and trust in chariots because they are many, and in horsemen because they are very strong but do not look up to the Holy One of Israel, nor seek the Lord! Now the Egyptians are men and not God, and their horses flesh and not spirit. When the Lord will stretch out His hand, both he who helps will fall and he who is helped will fall down. And they will all fail together." (Isaiah 31: 1,3)

Help is scriptural, and there is nothing wrong with seeking for help or helping out according to the grace of God upon one's life. However, the knowledge of the truth regarding help is crucial so as not to jeopardize one's life. Seeking for help or helping out without knowledge can be destructive according to our text. Many have suffered irrecoverable loss, became victim, and lost their precious lives seeking for help in wrong places or helping out without knowledge. 

It is pertinent to bring to the knowledge of humanity that not every help is a genuine help. There was a true life story of a family looking for a male child once sought for help from one idol to another, and from rivers to sea. According to the story, they eventually got a son who later destroyed the entire family because he was a devil-given child. That innocent family paid dearly for asking help from the wrong place. 

My prayer for everyone who will come in contact with this sermon is that you will never become a victim or prey because of help related issue in Jesus name, Amen. Man by nature is a creature or being that will forever require help. Again, God in his infinite wisdom has also positioned man to be a major channel of help. Lazarus, the poor beggar needed the crumbles that fell from the rich man table for life sustenance and similarly, the great King Ahasuerus who reigned over 127 provinces from India to Ethiopia needed the help of Mordicai the poor gateman for safety in his royal palace. (Luke 16:19-22, Esther 6:2) What then is help? Help means to assist, to bail out of whatever difficulty or problem someone is facing. Help also means to make a task or an obligation easier for someone to execute.

To a believer, help is an aid or assistance from God to man through man. Every human being whether great or small, rich or poor needs help, therefore help like death is inevitable. It is not possible to find someone who does not need help. We all need help at one time or the other and everyone is a potential channel or agent of help in the hands of God. He can use anyone to help us!

Glory be to God who is the real Helper. From our text above, seeking help from wrong a place or person is worse than your entire life problem. It attracts the curse of God. Similarly, helping out with wrong motive also attract the curse of the Lord. Anyone looking up to you for help instead of looking up to God is endangering your life. Recognize that you are a mere channel and not the helper. If help is not properly handled, both the helper and the helped will fail together. Acknowledging God as the ultimate helper is the first step towards enjoying divine help. Hear what the psalmist says "I will lift up mine eyes to the hills from where comes my help. My help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth" (psalm 121:1-2). What this means is that whatever channel God chooses to bring the help is not important. God himself is the helper.

If you find yourself in a position to help others, see it as a privilege and never take advantage of God's people. Many lives have been ruined as a result of  seeking for help in wrong places or helping out with ungodly motives. Our God is too great to share His glory with any mortal man.

As I conclude, see God as the source of your help and point people to God as their Helper whenever you are privileged to be used by God as a channel to help others. Moreover, if you have taken advantage of any person in the name of helping them or sought help from ungodly places or persons as a result of pressures, repent now and ask God for mercy.

Finally, new birth is what qualifies believers to have an unending access to the Helper himself which is the Holy Spirit. He is the Spirit of truth that guide believers into all truth. He will tell you where, when and how to seek for help and how to help out so that God will be glorified by all means. (John 15;26). God bless you and remain blessed.

You can surrender your life to Jesus Christ by saying this prayer of faith.

Lord Jesus Christ, I come to you in faith; I confess your lordship. I am a sinner in need of your help. Come into my life. I believe you died for my sin and resurrected on the third day for my justification. My sins are forgiven; I am now free to serve the living God. Thank you Jesus for saving my life. Congratulations if you pray this prayer of faith genuinely from your heart. You are now born again. Next, look for a Bible believing church and begin to fellowship with other brethren. Go for water baptism and Holy Ghost baptism. Jesus is Lord.

Raphael Idoko is the Pastor of Living Saints In Christ Ministry. Our vision is Christ for all by all means and at all cost.

You can Contact us at: raph4wisdom@gmail.com, +234 (0) 8026994148

Our article is intended to stimulate you to hungry for more of Jesus and not to condemn you. We are aimed at making our readers to realise that life is a journey and death is inevitable. Ours is to encourage the followers of Jesus Christ to continue to run this marathon race with the fear of God. We love YOU! Jesus loves YOU, and God loves YOU.

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