While Jesus was on earth, he did not have a congregation?


Everywhere he went, people crowded along as they sought to call him ‘Papa’, ‘Daddy G.O’ etc

But all that was not in the least interest of Jesus,

He AVOIDED a congregation.

Any wise man knows one thing well; 

That he must be wary of a crowd or congregation.

Jesus did not come for the crowd, he came for just 12 people,

He invested himself in the 12. He mentored (discipled) the 12. 

He ate with the 12 and lived with them both night and day, 

He slept amongst them. They touched him and laid in his bosom.

The crowd? They only sometimes saw him afar from the pulpit,

Jesus often hid from the congregation. 

He hid from the congregation to have enough time with his mentees.

There was no place that he was that at least 3 among the 12 won’t be with him.

They observed him, he observed them. 

They were his priority, the goal of his ministry.

Jesus sacrificed the crowd for the truth,

You can either sacrifice the crowd for truth or the truth for crowd,

Truth and crowd do not go together,

Truth and a congregation don’t sit for tea.

Why did Jesus focus on 12?

Why was Jesus strategic?

Because he understood his mission and ministry, 

More importantly, he understood the principles of life.

Jesus knew what he came to do. 

He knew his work could not be sustained by the crowd.

 It could only be sustained by the 12.

Jesus needed just 12 men who knew his heart and caught his passion. 

He needed to graft his cells into all of them. 

The 12 were the substance, the crowd were mere biomasses.

They were there for bread and meat, for miracle money, miracle jobs, miracle husbands, divine health and protection, to sing and dance, but nothing more,

They were not there to learn Jesus or the principles of the kingdom,

Only the disciples did that, and they were just 12.

When you see a congregation, you have seen biomasses,

When you see 12, you have seen personalities.

The crowd did not change the world, the 12 did.

The crowd did not carry the kingdom, the 12 did.

Refuse to be in a crowd or congregation 

There is never any use for a crowd,

Except in a gathering of vultures and bees,

There is never a congregation of eagles, you won’t see one.

The man who thinks he has 100,000 people to call, will one day wake to reality,

At ‘calvary’, he would be lucky to see one still standing with him.

Though Christ invested himself into his disciples, yet none still followed him to Calvary.

The disciples could not follow him, but it was the crowd that crucified him.

A man who loves to gather crowd, 

Does so only for his ego, nothing else,

Real men run from congregations and crowds,

No learning happens in a crowd or congregation,

No skill is taught in a crowd or congregation.

When I was in Medical school,

We were constantly broken into small groups,

For the sake of learning, interactions and gaining valuable skills,

The groups were so small you were always in the face of your teacher (or mentor),

To be asked and to ask questions always, to touch and be touched.

Whatever God has committed into your hand is not for the crowd, 

It is only for a few,

Do not struggle for a congregation, struggle for a disciple.

Only through focused mentorship do men become personalities

The crowd are just biomasses and won’t become anything.

It is pointless to pour yourself into many cups, for then you lose taste,

But if you can pour all of yourself into one, then you will never lose taste,

You will always have a legacy behind.

Train men right where you are,

Your profession is your pulpit,

And those you can influence are your disciples.

Envy not a man who has 100,000,

Envy a man who has one on whom he pours all his strengths and resources.

Christ has not asked us to gather crowds or congregations,

He told us to go raise disciples,

Those we can eat with, dine with, those who can touch us and live with us,

Only then can our strength be sustained, and our relevance maintained.

How blessed are you if you are only able to Pastor one, 

Nott a congregation of biomasses

Yet it is an irony that those who have one, want to raise congregations too

They dream and aspire for nothingness when they have the best already.

Congregation is from the root word, ‘greg’ which means ‘flock or herd’

Have you read about “herd mentality”? Please do

In a group, only one is thinking, the rest are just following

Oh God, give me not a congregation of 100,000,

Give me not 300 like Gideon.

Give me one, just one, who can run as I run,

And help me to be faithful in what you will have me do.

Yemi Success, MD
