No Ethnicity: We Are One in Christ Jesus by Musa B. M

One Body, One God and One Christ 


I am Fulani, apart from being a #Fulani, I am a Christian. But I want to remind us all that when it come to the Kingdom of God, there is no such thing like ethnicity.

In Christianity no Fulani, No Hausa, No Igbo, No Gbagyi, No Yoruba, No Nupe, No Atyap, No Berom, No Tiv, No Idoma, No Igala, No Jukun, No Bura, No Kurama, No Ashiolio, No Gorok, No Ham. No Kaninkon, No Ngas.

No Kagoma, No Igede , No Ijaw, No Zuru, No Dukawa, No Bassa Nge, No Eggon, No Mada, No Adara, No Efik, No Ebira, No Lunguda, No Michika, No Kilba, No Gade, No Sayawa, No Bajju, No Kataf, No Tangale, No Waja etc.

We are all ONE through Christ Jesus our Lord.

Members of the same body.

Children of the same family.

Soldiers in the same army, and travellers to the same home.


Let's thank God for the Land or Country He provided for us to live in here on Earth.

You were not born a Nigerian by accident. It is God's plan in your life. Therefore, let's join hands together irrespective of our region, ethnicity, and religion to move our dear country Nigeria 🇳🇬 🇳🇬 forward.

Let's do away with tribalism, religious bigotry, regionalism, and unite ourselves and make Nigeria 🇳🇬 🇳🇬 a better and comfortable place for everyone of us.

The Things That Hinder Unity Among People Are:

* Tribalism


* Religious Fanaticism

* Denominationalism

* Individual Interest

* Individual Differences

*Lack of Tolerance And Maturity

No Group Of People Can Succeed Without Unity that's Why JESUS Prayed That His Believers May Be One. 

Can two people walk together without agreeing or uniting in the same direction?

Working together with one mind and purpose is the key to success.

Let there be no divisions in the church, family or a group of people for whatsoever reason. Rather, be of one mind, united in thought and purpose. 

One of the greatest strategies of the enemy is to divide a united group of people and then rule over them.

If each religion is united, then no religion will rule over another without a proper dialogue.

Stay united and achieve great things!

Stay united and keep winning!

Evang Musa B. M.


Azzaman Azzaman
