12 Practices that Forced Me to Renounce Islam and How Muslims Consider My Action as Crimes against Islam by Ibrahim Dikko


1: I say no to Shahada

2: I say no to Al-lah

3: I say no to Mohammed.

4: I say no to five pillars of Islam.

5: I say no to the doctrines of Islam.

6: I say no to works and laws of Islam.

7: I say no to 72 virgins in Islamic paradise.

8: I say no to Salati.

9: I say no to slavery to Allah.

10: I say no to Taqiya.

11: I say no to jihad.

12: I say no to praying and worshipping facing Kaaba in Mecca.

These 12 are the offenses mostly considered by Muslims that I have committed. When you critically look at those twelve reasons why Muslims are angry with me for renouncing Islam, you will know and understand that I am indeed a threat to them like any other Christian.

Allah calls you slave.

Jesus calls you son.

Allah calls you through works and laws.

Jesus calls you through His grace.

Allah is only in one direction (Kaaba).

Jesus is everywhere.

Allah is by force you serve him.

Jesus is through the leading of the Holy Spirit and you must worship Him in spirit and truth

There are many reasons why Christianity is the only best way to Heaven. Christianity has assured you of heaven once you're a born again child of God, but in Islam there is no particular promise as Allah can decide to admit them into Paradise or not. So there is no certainty and in fact not even Mohammed was sure he would enter paradise.

In Christianity, salvation is guaranteed, but not in Islam where no one is sure of where they're going after death.

Evang. Ibrahim Dikko dancing with others to Jesus Christ and the Living God.
Dear Muslims, please I am inviting you to accept Jesus Christ who has given us assurance of heaven. Use this opportunity to quickly convert to Christianity and say no to the 12 reasons mentioned in this article why you're still fighting me today.

Our article is intended to stimulate you to hungry for more of Jesus and not to condemn you. We are aimed at making our readers to realise that life is a journey and death is inevitable. Ours is to encourage the followers of Jesus Christ to continue to run this marathon race with the fear of God. We love YOU! Jesus loves YOU, and God loves YOU.

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  1. Thank you our great Evangelist. God will continue to bless you and others in the same assignment.


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