False Teachings in Islam Exposed

 AN APOLOGETICS DEFENSE OF CHRISTIAN FAITH FROM FALSE TEACHINGS OF ISLAMIC CLERICS ON #FASTING: Both Muslims and Christians fast, but their purposes for fasting differ. In order to keep one of the Five Pillars, a Muslim is obligated to fast during Ramadan and if you failed to fast you will not longer be a Muslim unless you #reshahada again.

The Muslims called it Ramadan fasting, and let me reveal this #RAMADAN: The word Ramadan comes from the Arabic word ramida, which means "intense, scorching heat or dryness. It is believed among adherents of #Islam that Ramadan burns away a person’s sins with good deedsdeeds and #Christians do not believe that fasting will atone for or burn away sins. Self-denial has long been associated with Christianity (Mark 8:34), but what the Bible says about self-denial is quite different from the Muslim understanding of it. In Islam, self-denial is a way to persuade Allah to repay the worshiper. For a Christian, self-denial is a natural occurrence due to a change of heart and a desire to follow Jesus (Romans 6:17–18).

👉Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, which is lunar-based. 

👉Based on the region, either astronomical calculations or moon sightings mark the beginning of this month of fasting, which ends at the next new moon. 

👉Ramadan officially commences when a Muslim imam announces it. 

👉During the month of Ramadan, Muslims seek the mercy and attention of Allah by fasting from dawn to sunset. 

👉Muslims abstain from food, drink, smoking, and sex during the daylight hours. 

👉It is said that good works done during the month of Ramadan will result in a multiplication of the normal reward for the same works performed in other months. 

👉For this reason, generosity and charity increase during Ramadan. 

👉Muslims are also encouraged to read the entire Qur’an during Ramadan and to recite special prayers. 

👉Ramadan ends with the feast of Eid al-Fitr the Festival of Breaking the Fast.

#The_Bible_teaches_that_fasting_merits_neither_Gods_favor_nor_a_place_in_paradise. Christians may fast for one of the following reasons:

1: To demonstrate their satisfaction in God (Matthew 4:4)

2: To humble themselves before God (Daniel 9:3)

3: To request God’s help (2 Samuel 12:16; Esther 4:16; Ezra 8:23)

4: To seek God’s will (Acts 13:2-3)

5: To turn from sin (Jonah 3:5-10)

6: To worship God without distractions (Luke 2:36-38)

The idea that a god will be appeased by works of charity, generosity, or the suppression of natural desires is almost universal in world religions. In fact, the only religion that does not believe in appeasing the gods with good deeds is Christianity. 

The_Bible_teaches_that_a_Christian_faith_will_result_in_good_works_animated_by_Gods_Spirit (James 2:26; Galatians 5:16-18). Faith itself is a gift (Ephesians 2:8-9) and even when Christians falter and sin, we do not have any fear that God’s love will be revoked (Romans 8:1, 38). 

Muslims have no such assurance and must continually seek Allah's approval by performing good works and fasting during the month of Ramadan. To fail to fast during Ramadan is to face the wrath of AllahAllah, Dear Muslims don't be deceive by Ramadan, it will not burn your sins, the solution for sin is Jesus, he has paid the price for you therefore rush to him and be save. 

Apologist Evangelist Ibrahim Dikko 

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